33. Lancelot, Colette and Guinevere (Part I)

Start from the beginning


Morgana and Anne were beginning to undress by a stream, two men guarding them, Colette and Gwen.

"You may find the water a little icy," Kendrick warned.

"I'm sure Anne and I'll manage," Morgana said. "If you were any kind of gentleman, you'd give us some privacy."

"Well, unfortunately for you I am no kind of gentleman. Now get on with it."

Morgana and Anne removed their outer garments and the second bandit let go of Gwen and Colette.

"You can at least turn your backs," Anne stated sharply.

"So you can make a run for it. Do you think I'm that stupid?"

"I think you're very stupid," Morgana and Anne said.

Gwen pulled Kendrick's sword, Morgana hit him, Gwen tosses her the sword and she slashed both men.

"Run!" Morgana cried. "No, no, this way!"

Gwen and Colette stumbled and the former hurt her ankle, Morgana and Anne stopped and went back to them.

"Run!" Gwen and Colette cried.

"Put your arm around Anne's and my shoulder, come on!"

"No, no, no," Gwen said. "We'll never outrun them, you three must go on without me!"

"We're not leaving you behind!"

"Morgana, go! Please! You must get help! Anne, Colette, go!"

Colette shook her head. "I'll stay with you. Anne and Morgana go."

"Take this," Morgana said, handing Gwen the sword.

"Go!" Gwen and Colette shouted.

Morgana and Anne ran. Gwen and Colette hid behind a tree, then jumped out and took down the man pursuing them. Morgana and Anne stopped when they heard the man's scream, then continued running.


Arthur, Merlin and the guards arrived at the scene of the first attack.

"Check to see if anyone's alive!" Arthur ordered. "It's Mercian craftsmanship."

"Arthur," Merlin called. "It's a ransom note! They've taken Morgana and Anne hostage."

"Tracks lead off this way."

Arthur, Merlin and the guards snuck through the woods. Arthur heard running footsteps, exchanged his sword for a crossbow, and jumped out of hiding to find a startled Morgana and Anne.

"Where's Guinevere and Colette?" Arthur asked.

Morgana and Anne just looked at Arthur and shook their heads.


Gwen and Colette were surrounded by bandits. Once again, Colette refused to use her magic. She had a feeling rescue was coming, and she was willing to wait.

"How could you let them escape?!" Kendrick cried. "Eh?! You bring me the servants! They're worthless to us!"

Kendrick grabbed Gwen and Colette's face to look them over. He took Morgana's dress and cloak and Anne's dress and cloak and shoved them at them. "Put 'em on."

"What are you going to do with us?" Gwen asked.

"Hengist has never met the Lady Morgana or the Princess Anne. For all he knows, you could be Uther Pendragon's ward and the Princess."

"I will not impersonate my mistress," Gwen and Colette retorted.

"Then you will die where you stand." He put a sword to their throats.

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