08. The Poisoned Chalice (Part II)

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Gwen checked the cells for Cara/Nimueh.


"I expressly ordered Arthur and Anne not to go!" Uther yelled.

"I'd say it worked like a charm, too," Morgana told him.

"Not another word!"

"My lips are sealed."

"I should've put them under lock and key."

"You can't chain them up every time they disagree with you."

"Just you watch me! I will not be disobeyed! Especially by my own son and daughter!"

"No. Of course you won't." She sat down at her desk to write.

Uther approached her. "You knew about this, didn't you? Morgana... don't lie to me."

"Arthur and Anne are old enough to make decisions for themselves."

"He's just a boy and she's just a girl."

"Have you seen your son and daughter recently? You have to let them make their own minds up."

"Even if it means letting them go to their deaths?"


Arthur and Anne rode on his horse through the countryside and soon approached a large forest.

Arthur and Anne rode through the mountains. Nimueh watched them from her stone basin. She pulled up her hood and left her cave.


Colette stirred restlessly. Gaius inspected Colette's rash. Gwen entered.

"Let me guess, she wasn't there," Gaius said.

"No one has seen her since the banquet," Gwen replied. "Who is she?"

"Not who she claims to be."

"But you know, don't you?" Merlin questioned as he tucked his sister's hair back.

"Cara. Though, that's not her name. Not her real name, anyway."

"Then who is she?" Gwen wondered.

"A powerful sorceress."

"Well, we should tell Uther. Maybe he could send riders out after her."

"No, she'll be long gone. It's impossible to know where, though. Oh, no."

"What?" Merlin and Gwen questioned.

"She knows the only place an antidote can be found is the Forest of Balor. Arthur and Anne could be walking into a trap."

"Arthur. Anne. Arthur. Anne," Colette mumbled.


Arthur and Anne led his horse through the forest.

Arthur and Anne led his horse through the forest. The Cockatrice hid under fallen tree. Arthur and Anne led his horse through the forest. They heard Nimueh's fake crying and approached her as she sat on a fallen log with fake bruises.

"Hello?" Arthur called. "Are you all right?" The Cockatrice roared behind him. "Stay back. She'll keep you safe."

Nimueh smiled as Arthur faced the beast. Anne watched her brother worriedly. The Cockatrice lunged, Arthur rolled under it as it jumped, then threw his sword, killing it. Nimueh grimaced and Anne let out a small breath. Arthur looked at her and she got up and backed away in pretend fear.

"It's all right," Arthur reassured. "I'm not going to hurt you. Nor will she. Who did that to you?" He pointed to her bruises.

"My master," Nimueh replied. "I ran away from him, but then I got lost. Please don't leave me."

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