23. To Kill the King (Part I)

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Tom pushed a cart playfully down the street and snuck up behind the carpet that Gwen was beating. He popped his head over the clothes line on which the carpet was hung.

"Boo!" Tom cried.

"Oh!" Gwen exclaimed, holding her hand to her chest.

"Did I surprise you?"

"You certainly did!"

"I've got another surprise for you, too." He handed Gwen a small, wrapped cloth. Gwen opened it, revealing a fancy button.

"It's... lovely."

"Well, in case you ever need a spare. You know... for this..." He held up a colourful dress.

"It's beautiful!"

"Well, you're a beautiful girl, Gwen. You deserve beautiful things."

"But how? I mean... it must have been expensive."

"Oh, very. But we're on the up now. Things are going to be different."

"What's going on?"

"It'll be all right. Trust me." He kissed her cheek. "I won't be back for supper."


Tom worked at his forge and heard lots of wind.

"Hello?" Tom called.

A man appeared before Tom, hooded and cloaked.

"Is it prepared?" Tauren asked.

"Yes, look."

Tauren approached the forge and pulled down his hood, looking at the melted lead. "Very good." He pulled out a stone with silver claws around it.

"What is that?"

"I'm not paying you to ask questions. The lead, please."

Tom took the lead off the forge and poured it into a mould. Tauren held the stone over the lead and as the stone glowed, Merlin and Colette woke in their chamber.

Tauren performed a spell.

Tom whispered, "You didn't say anything about magic! I don't want any trouble!"

"I búgan þéos... áfæren æt gylden."

The lead turned to gold.


"Pure, priceless gold."

Tom drenched the gold and it steamed. Tom held up the lump of gold.

Tauren continued. "Yours, blacksmith. If you keep your mouth shut."

Arthur burst in with the guards. Tauren ran for it.

"Seize him!" Arthur ordered.

"Yes, sir," a guard replied.

"Quickly, after him!"

Tauren tossed the heated materials in the water, creating a smoke screen. He knocked over a table and dropped the leather bag with the stone in it.


"He must be caught!"

"Stop that man!"

A pair of guards stayed behind, restraining Tom. Arthur turned around and took the gold from him.

"Sire, please..." Tom began.

"You're under arrest," Arthur said.


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