18. Excalibur (Part II)

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Uther drank alone. The candles blew out and Uther turned to see Nimueh.

"I should've known," Uther said.

"It is more than I'd hoped for, Uther," Nimueh told him. "Soon Arthur will be slain. And soon Anne as well. You will have sent him to his death and not have protected your darling daughter."

"Haven't you tired of revenge?"

"Haven't you? You began this war when you threw me from the court and slaughtered all of my kind."

"You brought it on yourselves. You practised evil."

"I was your friend, Uther! You welcomed me here."

"You betrayed that friendship."

"I did as you asked! I used the magic you so despise to give your barren wife the son you craved. And then I was generous when I blessed the two of you with a daughter."

"Don't ever speak of her in that way. She was my heart, my soul. And you took her from me."

"She died giving birth to your daughter. It was not my choice. That is the law of magic. To create a life, there had to be a death. The balance of the world had to be repaid. You're lucky it was only one."

"You knew it would kill her."

"No, you're wrong. If I had foreseen her death, and the terrible retribution you would seek... I would never have granted your wish."

"I wish you hadn't."

"You wish you didn't have a son or a daughter? Well, your wish will come true tomorrow."

"I will not let you take them."

"I have watched so many people I love die at your hands, Uther Pendragon. Now it is your turn."


Merlin and Colette were searching through old tomes.

"How did you two get in here?" Geoffrey asked.

"The door was open," Merlin replied.

"No, I locked it."

Colette smiled sweetly. "Well, someone else must've opened it, then."

"And you two thought you'd come in and help yourselves?"

"He and I were looking for a book. For Gaius. He thinks the Black Knight is a wraith."

"Then Arthur and Anne are in grave peril."

"Which is why we're here. We need to find a weapon that will kill something that's already dead."

"Well, I've read of such things in the ancient chronicles."

"Really? What did they say?" Merlin asked.

"Well, several fables speak of ancient swords."

"That can kill the dead?"

"The swords the fables speak of could destroy anything, alive or dead."

"Can you show us one of these fables?"

"Well, let me think. Yes. Mmmm..." He searched a shelf.

"We're sort of in a hurry."

"Yes, you young people always are." He flipped through a book. "This is the Chronicle of Beltain. Now then... Ah, here we are. "Sir Marhaus looked upon the great sword, begotten in the dragon's breath and found it passing good.""

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