33. Lancelot, Colette and Guinevere (Part I)

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Arthur assisted Morgana as she mounted her horse in the Square. "I hope your trip isn't too upsetting."

"Thank you, Arthur," Morgana said.

"Make sure you return to Camelot before dusk."

"Yes, Sire," Sir Robert said.

Arthur and Colette gazed at each other briefly as the party left.

Merlin came down the palace steps and asked, "Where are they going?"

"Morgana's on a pilgrimage to her father's grave," Arthur answered.


Morgana, Colette, Anne and Gwen were riding through the woods with an escort.

"You look troubled, Gwen," Morgana said. "As do you, Colette."

"I'm fine," Gwen and Colette replied.

Anne tilted her head. "You're both very secretive these days. Morgana and I are beginning to think there's a man involved." Her gaze shifted to Colette and a light smirk crossed her face.

Colette snorted. "When do Gwen and I get to meet any decent men?"

The party was attacked by bandits.

"My ladies, you must follow me!" Sir Robert said.

Colette chose not to use her power as to not draw attention to herself.

Sir Robert was shot in the back. Gwen, Anne, Colette and Morgana were pulled off their horses. A knight killed the men holding them.

"Gwen! Colette! Anne!" Morgana cried. "Head for the path! Go!"

They ran up the hill, but Kendrick was waiting for them.

"I warn you. I am Uther Pendragon's ward and the woman next to me is the Princess," Morgana said. "He'll have your heads if any harm comes to us."

"I have no intention of harming you two," Kendrick told them. "At least not yet. You and the Princess are much more valuable to me alive, Lady Morgana."


Morgana, Anne, Colette and Gwen watched the bandits.

"He's coming," Morgana warned. "You and Colette know what you must do?"

Gwen and Colette nodded.

"I trust you are comfortable?" Kendrick asked.

"I demand to know where you're taking us," Anne and Morgana said.

"You'll find out soon enough. We've a long journey ahead of us. Get some rest." He turned to leave, but Morgana and Anne walked out of the tent after him.

"I wish to bathe."

"You two wish to bathe?"

Morgana narrowed her eyes. "I am the King's ward, she is the Princess, and accustomed to certain standards. I am sure you are quite contented to stink like a pig, but I am not, as she is not."

"The Lady Morgana and Princess Anne wish to bathe! Who wants to help me guard them?"

Coarse laughter sounded.


"Morgana and Anne's party hasn't returned to Camelot," Arthur said. "There's no sign of them anywhere."

"Send riders to the outlying villages," Uther ordered. "I want every guard, every sentry looking for them."

"Dispatch them immediately."

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