13. The Gates of Avalon (Part I)

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Arthur drifted under water wearing his armour. Anne was already at the bottom. A woman, Sophia, stood over them. Morgana woke with a gasp, terrified.

Morgana whispered, "Arthur! Arthur! Anne! Anne!"


Arthur and Anne slunk through the woods with a crossbow. Merlin burst out of the trees and bumped into Arthur as he was about to shoot. Colette walked out moments later, shaking her head.

"What is it?" Merlin asked.

Arthur's tone was angry. "You really are a total buffoon, aren't you, Merlin?"

"I was just asking."

"Who? Me or the deer?! We're supposed to be hunting. It requires speed, stealth and an agile mind."

"So you're able to get by on two out of three, then?" Colette quipped with a light smirk.

A woman screamed.

"What was that?" Merlin asked.

"Quiet," Arthur and Anne ordered.

Aulfric's voice was distant. "Please! Don't!"

Sophia's voice was also distant. "Help!"

Arthur grabbed his sword from Merlin.

A man laid on the ground as a bandit drew his sword to kill him. A young woman struggled with three other purse snatchers.

"No, no, I beg you! Mercy!" Aulfric cried.

"Give us some money!" Terrence said.

"Help me!" Sophia begged. "Help me!"

Arthur shot one of the robbers. The others attacked Arthur. The man got up and held the young woman while Arthur fought off the bandits.

Merlin and Colette did a spell and a large tree branch fell on top of one of the bandits trying to attack Arthur from behind. Arthur killed the one in front of him and the last bandit Terrence ran off.

Arthur looked up at the tree and said, "Stroke of luck."

"And let that be a lesson to you!" Merlin and Colette yelled.

Arthur gave them a look and Anne shook her head.

"What?" Merlin asked. "I was covering your back. And so was Lettie."

Arthur asked the man and the young woman, "You all right? Didn't hurt you?"

The young woman turned to Arthur and removed her hood as she replied; "No... Thanks to you. I'm Sophia. This is my father."

"Arthur Pendragon... at your service." He kissed Sophia's hand, looking dazzled by her beauty.

Anne rolled her eyes and began walking away.


Sophia and her father stood before the court and the latter said, "My name is Aulfric, heir to Tír-Mòr. This is my daughter, Sophia."

"You're a long way from home," Uther noted. "What brings you to Camelot?"

"Our home was sacked by raiders, We barely escaped with what few possessions we could carry."

Arthur, leaning on a pillar, couldn't take his eyes from Sophia.

"These are dangerous times. What will you do?"

"We travel west to Caerleon where we have family and, I hope, a new life."

"You must stay here awhile," Arthur looked relieved, "break your journey. A noble family like yours is always welcome in Camelot."

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