04. Valiant (Part II)

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Merlin and Colette casted a spell.

The door unlocked. Merlin and Colette entered and he took a sword from a rack, approaching the shield. Merlin and Colette turned to the door when they heard someone approaching. A snake slithered out of the shield and poised to strike. Merlin and Colette saw the shadow of the snake and he turned around to cut off its head. The other snakes came out, but Merlin dropped the sword, grabbed the first snake head and ran out of the room, followed by Colette.


Gaius drained some venom from the snake head. "I'll get started preparing the antidote."

"I'm going to tell Arthur," Merlin said.

"And I'll tell Anne," Colette added. "She and her brother should be together as she likes eating breakfast with him."

"You'll need this," Gaius told them as he handed Merlin the snake head. "And Merlin, Colette, what you did was very brave."


Arthur and Anne were dining in his chambers.

Arthur asked skeptically, "You? You chopped its head off?"

"Ewan was bitten by a snake from the shield when he was fighting Valiant," Merlin informed. "You can talk to Gaius, you can see the puncture wounds in Ewan's neck where the snake bit him. Ewan was beating him, he had to cheat."

"Valiant wouldn't dare use magic in Camelot."

"Ewan was pinned under Valiant's shield. No one could see the snake bite him."

"I don't like the guy, but that doesn't mean he's cheating."

"Gaius is preparing an antidote to the snake venom," Colette said. "When Ewan's conscious, he'll tell you what happened. If you fight Valiant in the final, he'll use the shield. It's the only way he can beat you. Look at it!"

Merlin picked up the snake head. "Have either of you ever seen any snakes like this in Camelot?" Arthur took the snake head and looked it over, as did Anne. "I know we're just servants and our word doesn't count for anything. We wouldn't lie to you."

Anne looked between them. "I want you to swear to me and Arthur what you're telling us is true."

"I swear it's true," Merlin and Colette said.

Arthur and Anne exchanged a look before replying, "Then I believe you."


Valiant was escorted through the Square to the Council Chamber of Doom. Gaius treated Sir Ewan in the Physician's Chambers. Ewan woke.

"Welcome back," Gaius said.

"There was a snake on his shield," Ewan remembered. "It came alive."

"You're weak. The snake's venom is still in your system."

"I must warn Arthur and Anne."

"Arthur and Anne already know. They've requested an audience with the King. Now, they'll want to talk to you. Rest. You'll need your strength. I need to fetch more herbs. I'll be right back."

A snake slithered to Ewan's bed and struck him.


Uther entered and asked, "Why have you summoned the court?"

"Anne and I believe Knight Valiant is using a magic shield to cheat in the tournament," Arthur replied.

"Valiant, what do you have to say to this?"

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