Chapter 38

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Vardhaan POV

It has been more than a week that I overheard Koyal's conversation and three days since I had the talk with Kabir and Dev. In the last three days I have done every possible thing which drops a hint to Koyal that I am upset and I want to be pacified but that woman, just doesn't understand. Instead of understanding that I am upset with her this morning she suggested that I should test my vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 iron and hemoglobin, as she feels I may have a deficiency of any of these, hence the change in my behavior.

Ever since I have behaved a little coldly with her I don't feel good as well. I don't have my full concentration in any work. A part of my mind is always occupied with her thoughts. I swear had she only asked once "Vardhaan what's wrong? You can tell me. Are you upset with me?" I would have sorted things then and there. But this woman!!!! I guess if someone tells her to jump off a cliff and she will, without saying anything without asking anything.

Now I can't stand this I will sort everything out today itself. I can't go back to live like I did in the last three years. This was an unwanted marriage for me, yet I don't like it when something like this happens. So just just this one last time will I initiate a conversation and sort things. Yes just this last time. "We will see that in the future." My inner self spoke. "Shut up, don't think anything which makes me change my plan." I said to my brain. I will talk to her today, anyhow. "Yes Vardhaan do it. Ego doesn't keep a relationship going instead it destroys it." My heart said and gave me a geniunine advice for the first time I guess.

"Koyal I need to talk to you. Can we do it this evening?" I typed a message. But then again erased it. I guess I will go home right now itself. I looked at my watch it was two hours 15 minutes past in the afternoon. I pressed the intercom "In my cabin right now." I commanded and a few minutes later there was a knock on my cabin. "Come in" I said. "Yes sir" My assistant Alok asked me. "Do I have any meeting here?" I asked. "No sir" "Then at Chopra industries, does anything there need my attention or any meeting lined up?" I inquired again. "No sir, your schedule is preety much free today, you only have one meeting with Mr. Mehra and Mr. Mehrotra at 6 pm but I can postpone it for tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon." He answered me. "Perfect then Alok I am heading out. Don't call me unless anything too important. If something arises here then call Kabir and if in Chopra industries then call Avi or Mr. Kumar." I said to which he agreed.

I went out of my office and drove towards my house. I rang the bell but it went unattended, so I called Koyal but that also went unanswered. So I finally took my spare key and entered the house. Looking at the situation I felt a little giddy and uneasy. I slowly went to our bedroom and the scene there totally broke my heart.

Koyal was sitting on the ground and was in a head down position with the bed acting as her table. I saw her face and it broke my heart. It was stained with tears. Her face was devoid of any makeup or expression. It looks like she had cried for a long time as the bed sheet was a little damp from her tears. Is she so unhappy with me that she had to cry herself to sleep? I questioned myself.

Sighing I changed my clothes and wore a comfortable black tee-shirt and black lowers. I also took a deep breath a lifted Koyal up and tucked her on bed. I guess she is in a deep sleep a door bell, two phone calls and a lift from the ground till the bed did not wake her up. I then took a towel moistened it with water and wiped her face. Then I also sat on the bed and looked at her and got lost in my thoughts.

How good it would have been for the both of us, had we not married then? I defiantly want to be with Koyal but it seems she doesn't want to be with me. I feel like I have taken a chance from her to fall in love, and be with a man she would love, to lead a happy life. With these thoughts running in my mind I also fell in a slumber. Then after sometime I woke up and saw that Koyal was also looking as if she will wake up soon.

So I got out of the bed, combed my messed up hair, washed my face and looked presentable. Then I went back to my previous place and started checking my mails and it was about to be 5:30 when my wife finally woke up. She stretched her hands, and legs, got up slowly and rubbed her eyes with her palm. Then she suddenly realized that she was in bed. She looked horrified and finally noticed me.

"Vardhaan.... When did you come? How did you come? Why did you not wake me up? Did you put me on the bed, or was I already asleep on the bed?" She asked me. I smiled and answered her "I came around 2: 45, and I did ring the bell and call you but you did not answer so I used my spare key. You were on the floor so I picked you up anp put you here. You were in such a deep slumber that I did not to wake you up so I didn't."

"Ohh... but why did you come so early? Everything alright with you? I am so sorry for not picking your call. Are you not feeling well?" She asked me concerned. If any other day I would feel so good knowing she is so concerned about me but today after seeing her tear stained face I feel all this she does say is because she feels it's her responsibility, just like our wedding, which she felt it was her responsibility to fulfill her grandma's wish, to protect everyone's reputation. I huffed internally. "Vardhaan" "Vardhaaan" She called me "Huh?" I asked her. "Are you okay? Let's get your tests done tomorrow morning only" She said. "Yes Koyal I am absolutely fine, but something isn't. And getting any test is not going to fix it." I said her.

"Huh? What are you saying I didn't understand?" Koyal said. "Well then let's have a talk shall we?" I said her.

Hey readers

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How many of you feel that the sleep we get after crying a lot is too good?

Also I wanted to give you guys the whole confrontation in this chapter only but it was over 3000 words so I decided to give it in the next one.  So get ready for some drama and romance in the next chapter. 

Please Vote and comment for the chapter if you like it. 

See you in the next one. Have a wonderful week ahead.


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