Chapter 12

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As the priest recited the sacred verses and performed the wedding rituals, Vardhaan and Koyal stood before the holy fire, surrounded by their loved ones. Vardhaan's heart swelled with joy as he tied the mangalsutra around Koyal's neck and filled her hairline with the red vermillion, a symbol of their eternal bond.

They were taking the seven vows of marriage and completed the seven rounds around the holy fire, when Vardhaan noticed a flicker of hesitation and maybe regret in Koyal's eyes. He wondered if something was troubling her.

 "Now I pronounce you as husband and wife" the priest finally said. The room filled with cheers and applause. Their family and friends showered them with their blessings and congratulations. Everyone was busy celebrating, Vardhaan's eyes were fixed on his newly wedded wife whose eyes were fixed on the ground. Vardhaan looked at her and wondered what lay ahead for them as husband and wife. However much to contrary to his previous thought, he felt quite happy being married. Whereas Koyal was happy to marry him, but the sadness of her broken dreams had overpowered that happiness.

After performing all the post marriage rituals done in bride's side, it was time for vidai. Kalyani came forward and blessed the couple. She thanked them for fulfilling this wish of theirs. Kalyani said to both of them, "I know neither of you were ready for this marriage, that too so suddenly. One had come for vacation, and the other to meet your family and here you both are married. But children always trust each other, things will eventually fall on their place. Always respect each other, and stay happy." She said again, "Vardhaan please take care of my Koyal." Before Vardhaan could say anything Amarpreet came and said, "Don't worry parjai (Sister in law) I will make sure that the gem I am taking away from you today will always be loved and taken care of as you and your family had till today." Kalyani smiled in satisfaction and assurance.

Lila held Koyal's hand and advised her "Take care of yourself and everyone in the family. You were the most sensible child in the family, maintain the same sensibility in your new family as well. Remember this will always be your home, you can come anytime you like. Call us if you ever need anything or want to talk. Eat well, always stay happy and healthy." Koyal was staring at her aunt with multiple emotions in her eyes.

Uday was not one to express much, that too in such situation, which he had never encountered. He did not have his own daughter, but always loved Koyal like his own. His eyes were filled, he hugged Koyal tightly and mumbled, " You don't have to worry, I'm here for you and I truly believe everything will turn out alright. I will always support you in every step of your life." He lovingly kept his hand on her head, his eyes were shining with the tears which were on the brim. Koyal looked at him with the same emotions of sadness. Looking at her dressed in all red dress, as a bride Uday was reminded of something and his tears started to fall down, looking at her uncle crying Koyal felt bad, her stomach was churning, but she still had held her tears. She bowed and touched his feet in respect.

 Vivek, Sonal and Dhruv also with wet eyes bid her a bye, they said her that it was a bye, not good bye. They assured her that this would always be her house and her brothers were only a call away. All other relatives blessed and congratulated her. Some gave her a suggestions as well. 

Now Koyal was going towards the car with Vardhaan. Her tearful eyes were searching someone, Vardhaan too noticed it. When they almost reached the car, Koyal finally found her big brother, her all time partner in crime. Aditya had his eyes full with tears. He went to his little sister, who was leaving him today.

He went to his sister, hugged her and said "Don't ever be afraid of anything. Walk on this new journey of your life with the same hope and courage which you had in yourself till now. Come to me if you ever feel anything is wrong. Just tell me and I will do my best to solve your problem." Koyal had never seen her brother with glistening eyes. She stared at him just like the infant she was when he for the very first time held her in his arms.

Aditya remembered how badly he wanted a sibling and then, his little one came in his life. His notorious yet precious little one was leaving his home and now was going to have family of her own. Koyal held his hand, just like the way she used to do in her childhood while going somewhere. Her this action, broke the dam of tears in both of their eyes. Both brother and sister were silently crying their heart out Uday came and told Aditya that it was time for Koyal to leave.

Aditya held his sister more tightly and said "I am going to miss you a lot my little sweetheart." Hearing this Koyal started weeping more. Lila came to console her. To say Vardhaan was shocked would be an understatement when he saw Aditya crying. He had heard from many that the great businessman Aditya Arora was a cold faced emotionless person, and here he was crying his heart out for his sister. Vardhaan also felt bad for his wife when he saw Koyal crying so badly.

Koyal finally left her brother and was going to the car, when Vardhaan kept his hand on Aditya's shoulder and squeezed it lightly as if reassuring him that he will take care of his sister.

Lila completed all the last rituals of the newlyweds and now they were good to go. Lila being an emotional mother hugged Koyal again. This time Koyal bowed down and took her aunt's blessing. Koyal and Vardhaan were seated in the car, and the car started to move slowly. Koyal's tear were still flowing. Vardhaan did not know how to console her so he gave a tissue. Koyal took the tissue and she wanted to say thank you to him, but words did not come out from her mouth. Vardhaan just smiled and blinked his eyes with a look that said, "Dont bother thanking".

Sometime later Koyal felt better. She turned her head sideways to see Vardhaan. Vardhaan also felt her gaze so he turned his head. They stared at each other for sometime. Koyal then turned towards the window and closed her eyes. Vardhaan who was trying to look at her the entire time finally got his chance to have a good look. He looked at her asleep figure, he remembered how his heartbeat accelerated with every step she took towards the mandap. Her almond shaped eyes were glued to the ground, but he could feel her stealing glances of him time to time. He smiled at it. Soon they read the Chopra Nivas. 

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Vardhaan and Koyal are finally married!

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