Chapter 28

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As Vardhaan returned from his morning jog, he found his grandfather waiting for him in his room. As Vardhaan saw him, he felt as if their talk right now was not going to end well. Yet he ignored that feeling and greeted him. "Oh Vardhaan my boy, go freshen up then, both of us will sit together and spend some time" Amarpreet said to Vardhaan, to which he gave a small smile and went away.

Vardhaan was now sure, that his grandfather again had come to tell him, advise him or to order him to do something. But somewhere, somewhere in his heart, he hoped that this time his dadaji really would spend time with him and not tell him to do something. Vardhaan got ready and found his grandfather sited on the balcony, a servant was serving breakfast in two plates. As Vardhaan went there his grandfather gestured him to sit and dismissed the servant. 

They had some here and there small talk during the breakfast. As the breakfast was coming to an end Vardhaan's heart swelled in happiness, it was the first time ever he was having a meal with his grandfather and his grandfather had no demands or ulterior motive. He even scolded himself in his mind for assuming things by himself earlier.

Everything was going okay. The grandfather and grandson were about finish their meal quiet peacefully and happily, until Amarpreet opened his mouth once again. "Dear you and Koyal seem so happy now, I am so glad I took the decision to get you married to her, and made sure you followed my decision." Vardhaan's anger and frustration from last night rose again, but he controlled it, and just gave a small to his dadaji.

"Iss liye putara huṇa tuhaḍe risate vica thoṛa hora aage vadhaṇa da samay aagaya hai. Tere viaha nu tina sāla hogaya hai. Mai te teri bebe vi maut de najdik ja rahe hai. Iss liye maiṁ tuhanu iha benati kar raha hu ki mainu meri cauthi piṛhi dāa ciharā dikhado. Koyal jaladi hi amarika se vapasa aajaegi. Toh bihatara hai ki mainu jaladi hi khusakhabari do." He continued.

[So son now it's time to move a little futher in your relation has come. It's been three years to your marriage. I and your bebe is also nearing death. So I am here to request you to show me the face of my fourth generation. Koyal will come back from USA soon. So better give me the good news soon.]

Hearing the words of Amarpreet Vardhaan's anger had no bounds. His happiness of earlier disappeared in seconds. His anger, and frustration kicked in. So Vardhaan said in a cold and dominating voice, "What are you talking about? Wasn't it a deal? Deal that I marry Koyal and all of you stop taking decisions of my life, stop interfering in my life. You, Amarpreet Chopra had given me your word that you would never tell me do to any othr thing ever in my life, then why are you backing off from your own words?"

"I know I said that Vardhaan, but you are testing everyone's patience. I thought while marrying you that I would have great grandchildren within a year or two but now it's gonna be four months in the next 5 months." Amarpreet Chopra answered Vardhaan. 

"Yes Vardhaan. You are the eldest son of our house. You have some responsibilities towards us. Think about them. And how can you talk to your dadaji like this? Is this what I taught you? Seeing your behavior what will bebe and others think about my upbringing? Apologise to papaji right now. Abhinav is already so much out of line and now you as well " Gayetri who had come there sometime before reprimanded her son.

"So mum, what your trying to say is that as the eldest son of the family all I have is responsibilities, and no right over my life? You and papa have no responsibility towards me and Abhi. Dadaji you do remember that Koyal was just 23 back then, in the two years would she even be able to bear the responsibility of child? And what about her career? And mum, just to be your good ideal son I have done so much things, but why do your expectation never end? You know what mum, all you guys have ever done is spoil my life and keep my life happiness derived." Vardhaan voiced his long time thoughts and walked away from there, and drove away from Chopra Nivas. 

Here Koyal's chachi and mami were also telling her that it was high time for her to have children. "You know if your mother was here, she would tell you these things. Koyal, career, work and all is secondary. You live so far from Vardhaan, that's not good. Ever since you were going for the first time till now I am telling you the same thing, focus more on your husband, have children and focus on them. But you.... Stop being so stubborn. You weren't like this before marriage. Stop listening to Adi, he is your elder brother but not elder than us. We have seen world. I love you my child and I care for you. I am saying for your betterment" Leela said to Koyal.

It was not the first time Koyal had heard such things from her aunt's mouth. But what she was unable to do is tell her aunt that how is her married life? How much is her relationship struggling. To be honest, except her Adi bhaiya, and chachu no one really even cared about how was her marital life? They just wanted a child.

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