Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: Mention of mental illness in the chapter.

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"Vardhaan I know what you are referring to, but please give me one chance to tell you." Koyal said to Vardhaan. "I know what you want to say Koyal, but I can't listen to those words from your mouth once again. That time you told those things to someone else yet it was very difficult to listen. I know I did not marry you willing, but trust me the day I slid that engagement ring in your finger I had sworn to myself that I will always respect you and take care of you. I helped you in going to US only because I had heard from everyone that it was dream not because I did not want you in my life." Vardhaan told Koyal.

"That's not what I want to say Vardhaan. At least think once tomorrow there will be a wedding in our family and we here are going to break one." Koyal said again. "Let's just think about ourselves for now Koyal, we will think of others some other time. This should not be a reason for you to stay in an unwanted reltationship." Saying this Vardhaan tried to go away. That's when she realized that her trying to stop all this by giving the family excuse worsen the matter, and now she needs to face this situation without any excuse. It was a do or die situation for Koyal.

As Vardhaan tried to walkaway, Koyal immediealty held his one hand and then hugged him. This leftVardhaan shocked. "I know a lot of things are wrong between us right nowVardhaan but please give me one chance to explain. I promise I will now explainyou the things I should have done years ago. Please don't go away like this,please" Koyal cried and pleaded to Vardhaan. She was weeping really hard, whichmelted Vardhaan's heart. He now was trying to console Koyal. Looking at the wayKoyal was crying in Vardhaan's arms and the way he was soothing and consolingher no one would believe that it is the same Vardhaan who just gave his wife divorcepapers.

After some time Koyal stopped crying. Vardhaan wiped the tears from her cheeks with his hands, and made her sit down on the sofa. As he tried to leave Koyal to get her a glass of water she hugged him more tightly and said, "Don't go, please" Vardhaan said nothing but he also sat with her and pulled the jug and glass towards them, and then poured her a glass of water. After Koyal drank the water, Vardhaan took his handkerchief out, and poured water on it. Koyal was confused by his act, but did not leave him. Vardhaan slowly brought the wet handkerchief near Koyal's face and wiped it, gently. And slowly a smile spread on both of their faces. 

"Vardhaan, so let me explain my words from three years back." Koyal started, when Vardhaan intruppted her and said, "Let's talk in the morning if you are not comfortable, don't exhaust yourself." "No Vardhaan, let me explain, before all this misunderstanding exhausts and ruins our relationship. I was so scared and ashamed to face you all these years. I have gained so much courage right now. It's now or I shall never gain the courage again." Koyal expressed herself.

"Three years back the boy you saw with me was Rahul, my school friend, my neighbor. Everything was good in his life till he was 18. But then suddenly Rahul started to imagine things, things that never existed. At first all of us thought he was lying, but then things started to get pretty serious. When I and Rahul's aunt suspected it to be some mental disorder. Rahul's parents were in denial for almost a year and half, but then slowly this hallucination and delusion started to cause Rahul started to harm himself and others. Slowly Rahul's parents accepted this fact and took him to a doctor. He had the same illness we suspected, but it was too late, his illness had become too serious. There were times he was normal but mostly he was in his own world.

That day when before you came he was telling me how bad he felt that I was married to you forcefully, and I was unhappy. He had imagined a few things, looking at my unhappy face during the wedding. When I had visited my home with chachu his condition had relapsed. So I just went along with him. I did not correct him as he could harm himself. And that's when you came. I wanted to clarify but I never got the courage. I always felt guilty for speaking so much false and ill about you, and you heard those words form my mouth. I am sorry. I never gained the courage to explain." Koyal continued and explained herself. By now tears had again started to flow from her eyes.

"It was not your fault. Infact I am sorry, sorry for never trying to talk to you again, to make and sign these papers without talking to you. I also never had the courage as well, not because I was angry on you rather I was scared, scared of your rejection scared to cause to discomfort." Vardhaan also expressed his feeling to Koyal. "What happened, happened, let's put this all under the bridge and move ahead, what say?" said Koyal. "Sure" replied Vardhaan with his same breath taking smile.

"Btw, how is Rahul now?" Vardhaan asked. "He is better now, his symptoms have minimized now, but he will forever be under medication." Koyal replied. After some time both went to sleep. And for the first time in these 3.5 years were they sleeping this peacefully. The misunderstanding is clear now, let's see what new unfolds in their story next.

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