Chapter 16

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Even though I have my exam knocking my door, its such an amazing news to me so here guys another update


Koyal's POV

Aaaaaaaaaa......... What did I do? This was the first time I SPOKE TO HIM. He had spoken to me a few times now, it were to consol me, and when I got the chance to speak him what did I say him, "I am thirsty give me water." "Like really Koyal!! He will rembere this all his life. What about your first impression?" My inner self reprimanded me.

He came back and handed me the water, he brought some fruits along as well. He told me that I could change if I want, to which I readily agreed. Yet from where do I start? Makeup, jewelry, hair, or clothes. I was confused and he noticed it. So he offered me help. I was about to say "Yes please" but before that a lady came. She was the same lady who saved me from those questions back there. She informed that Vardhaan had to stay somewhere else and not with me.

Ok I am happy and sad about it. Happy cause I will get some time to adjust about it. Sad because I would not get to talk to him. But its only 5 days, after that I would be with him for a life time. I was occupied with my thoughts when I heard the door close. Vardhaan had already left.

After he left the lady smiled at me, she kept the breakfast on the table and introduced herself "Hello, I am Shalini your husband's chotti bua, you can call me the same." I smiled at her and took her blessings. "Struggling to change?" She asked me to which I hesitantly nodded.

"Come sit on the chair I will help you" She told me again. She looks friendly but I should not take her help. Vaani di and all of my married cousins have said me how some relative come to you in the pretext of helping you and boast about their greatness every time they meet you and spread the news to people that you are a girl struggling to change, what will you handle the family. So, I told her, "No its ok, I will manage myself, Thank you." I said her.

She smiled again and said again "Don't be scared or shy from me. Enjoy all the love, and pampering you are getting now. Years later you will miss them. There is a next level of experience of getting all this indulgence as a new bride and to indulge the new bride. So you enjoy getting pampered and let me enjoy indulging you. Now sit down let me help you." I hesitantly sat down. She had a very warm and welcoming aura around her. I talked to her a little and she did not seem like those relatives my cousins mentioned. After helping me change, she gave me the breakfast and told me to eat it.

I enjoyed her company, she unlike other people did not ask me about how plan on living my married life, or how many household work I know. If I knew Vardhaan or not, she talked to me about me. Like only me, not once did she mention like those relatives downstairs that how lucky I was to marry Vardhaan. She did not give me a speech on how to live my married life. Instead she told me how she also once was a new bride and all of her experiences. I had a good time with her. Then she left and now I was alone in the room.

I went to the bed to catch some sleep when I rembered that I for some time had forgotten all my sorrows. Maybe life with Vardhaan would not be bad. With that thought I dosed of.


Here Vardhaan's brother and friends were teasing him on his 5 day long parting with his newly wedded wife. Getting irritated by them a lot, Vardhaan at last had to give them the look he gives to his incompetent employees. It did work for him, as they finally stopped teasing him. He also caught up some sleep.

Then in the evening a lot of ladies came to Chopra Nivas for Koyal's muh dikhai rasam. The whole evening went in this only. Koyal had her dinner with the ladies and Vardhaan with his brothers. The night passed in a jiff.

It was early in the morning. The whole Chopra family along with the guest were asleep. Only our two early birds were up. Vardhaan did his normal exercise, and now he had to go to his room to get his clothes and his laptop.

Koyal too had just come out bathing, she had wore a yellow saree, which did some more improvement. Then she was wearing some accessories. That's when she heard a knock at the door. She had a hope that it might be her mother in law or aunt who would help her. So she very politely said to come in.

Vardhaan when he enterd the house saw that she was wearing her earing so he cleared his throat and said "I..... I came to take my clothes, can I" Koyal turned around hearing him. She just nodded her head.

Vardhaan took his clothes and laptop, then before going he said again, "You need anything?" for some courtesy to which Koyal replied "I do need some help, but I don't think you will be able to help me." Vardhaan looked at her with an challenged look, "And what is it that I can't help you with?" Koyal with amusement filled in her voice, said "I need some help in fixing my saree, can you?" Vardhaan's previous pridefull and challenging look changed into an embarrassed one. "Uh... no but I can send Amu if you want." Koyal wanted to laugh at his face but controlled and just nodded her head in a yes.

Thank you so much guys once again

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