When we reached the lift doors, Elliot produced a blank white card from his wallet that had been tucked in the breast pocket of his suit jacket. He hovered it over the keypad for a second on the left of the lift until a green light flashed on the pad and it magically sprung to life. It didn't surprise me he lived in a place like that, one with grand marble entrances and security features on lifts. I idly wondered who else lived in his apartment block for it to be so secure, probably a few footballers and businessmen. It was a little rich for my blood.
The lift doors eventually shuddered open with a ding, exposing a floor-to-ceiling mirror so clean I would have believed it to be a window if I couldn't see my own reflection so perfectly in it. It was the first proper look I'd got of myself since being in the bathroom with Elliot. I looked dreadful. My hair was plastered around my face and frizzing out at the ends, my dress was all stained from where it had come into contact with the beer I'd had thrown over me. Stood next to Elliot, I looked like he had just dragged me from out of a bush somewhere. Of course, he looked pristine, his dark hair pushed back artfully out of his face, his crisp white shirt still fresh and unmarked. He looked as neat and tidy as when I first saw him at On The Rox, the only difference being that he had undone a few top buttons of his shirt – exposing a peak of dark chest hair underneath. It made me question a lot of things, seeing us side by side like that, but the prominent question playing on my mind was why the hell had he brought me home with him if I looked like that?
Maybe I was a pity fuck.
Elliot reached for the buttons inside the lift, silently he clicked the top button, level 30, and the doors closed behind us.
"Of course, you live in the penthouse." I laughed under my breath, my voice cutting through the quiet that had grown between us.
He peered down at me, a flash of annoyance on his face as he assessed my words."You got a problem with penthouses?"
"No." His cool gaze made me squirm, like I was in trouble with the headmaster at school. "Sorry." I added for good measure.
We continued riding up to the 30th floor in silence. When the lift finally opened again, we were on a small landing. In it was a solitary white console table pushed against the silver crest wallpapered wall, a white ceramic vase sat atop it. Then, on the back wall, another door with another keypad. Elliot strode on towards it, leaving me to stumble in his wake. He was still holding my heels when he waved the card over the keypad and punched in a long security code. When the green light flashed, he pushed down the doorhandle and opened the door for me.
"After you." He gestured for me to step inside. My jaw hit the floor immediately.
The apartment was set in mood lighting, and the shine of the lights of the city twinkled in the distance through the glass windows that wrapped around the place. The living room was huge, a massive cream leather L-Shaped sofa situated in the middle of the floor, in the centre of it sat a round black glass coffee table and an exposed fire pit with fake flames that flickered through white pebbles. That was just his living room. I could only imagine what the rest of the place would look like.
I turned to Elliot with amazement, he seemed amused by my reaction to seeing his place for the first time. I bet all the girls he brought back to the apartment reacted like that. I didn't want to think about it, about the girls that had come there before me.
As we stood there in silence, staring at one another, I pondered what the right thing to say would be.
Do I complement him on how great of a place he has?
Do I ask him to take me to his bedroom? 
Before I could say a word, Elliot threw my shoes to one side and lunged at me. His hand found my hair as he pinned my up against the wall and his lips crashed down on mine. The kiss was needy, desperate, and really fucking hot. His tongue traced circles in my mouth before he bit down on my bottom lip hard, the contact shocked and excited me all in one.
All I could do was groan as he planted warm hurried kisses along my jaw and down my neck, his free hand ran the length of my body until it found my breast.  His thumb caressed the front V of my dress and ran across the exposed white lace of my bra.
Breaking from his kisses, he shot me a dark blazing look, "I've wanted to do this since I saw you in your bra and panties in that bathroom stall." His voice was practically a growl, my knees almost caved under me as he pulled down the fabric and exposed my bare breast. My nipple hardened instantly as he captured it in his mouth and began to suck. All the blood in my body headed south and my stomach flipped. I wanted to tell him how much I had wanted it too, but thoughts of the bathroom stall flooded into my brain as he grazed his teeth along my nipple. The reason why we were in the bathroom stall in the first place pushed its way to the forefront of my brain, the drink being spilled all over me...
"Wait." The word was out of my mouth before I realised I had said it. Elliot pushed him self away from me immediately, resting both his hands on the wall either side of my face and panting through his recovery from our embrace. His blue eyes were glazed over, and he looked a little more disheveled than before. His breathing matched my own as I forced my explanation out.
"Could I maybe shower first?" I pulled my bra back into place as he dropped his hands and ran them through his mussed-up hair. "I feel gross, and probably smell like a brewery since that guy spilt his drink on me."
A small flash of relief spread on his face. It made me giggle internally; he probably thought I was rejecting him. Something that most likely didn't happen often to him. Elliot didn't need to worry though, I wanted him. Badly.
After a beat, he held out his hand for me to take. "Come." He gave my palm a squeeze and lead me into the vast apartment. "Lets go take a shower."

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