twenty five

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"How about you?" The special grade scowled, his own four red eyes narrowing.

"If anything else, I have the highest possibility to hit an attack. You know that cursed energy, no matter how strong it is, will simply be nullified to someone... like us."


"Please, Sukuna." Her eyes were peering straight at his soul, cracking him a reassuring smile with voice that seems like cannot be refused.

The King of Curses tightly shut his eyes, unwilling to budge. But at the end, he could only click his tongue in vexation. The binding vow he imposed on himself will activate the longer he resists her, and he couldn't regret imposing the vow more than right now.

"Brat." He heaved a sharp, annoyed sigh. "Call for me."

Sora promptly nodded before Sukuna left her to do her biddings, unwillingly.

And when the special grade cursed spirit left her side, the Goddess with unsettling atmosphere started to made her way towards the golden-eyed student, oddly, specifically towards her.

"The fate of all lives shall and must continue to act in accordance with its natural course, thee existence in this world is an erratum."

"The fate which you are indulgently controlling?" Sora snorted, rolling her eyes at the Goddess' claims.

"Controlling is an extreme preconceived misconception. I am simply guarding the predetermined fates of all and each people." The divine female let out a soft sigh, still approaching the student.

"Therefore, do not intervene any further."

"You are the one intervening, dear Goddess of I don't know nor I care to know." The fourth-year young sorcerer quickly retorted. "The fates of people should not be controlled by anyone, neither should they be predetermined by some higher-dimensional being. Fates lie in accordance with the choices people make. Divine predictions or whatever is not the basis of all people's lives, and it should not be."

"How blasphemous." The Goddess was as if horrified by her claims, yet it couldn't be missed the irritation suppressed in her voice. "Do you dare to challenge the sacred Godhood and all of heaven's glory, child?"

"And what if I said yes? Are you up for a duel?" Sora chuckled, crossing her arms and tilting her head. "Unfortunately to you and to any deities out there, I have god complex myself. So I don't bow or worship anyone."

Sora could visibly see how the female deity gritted her teeth because of the remarks that laced with subtle condescension.

"What a pitiful child you are." Several sharp beam lights appeared behind the Goddess, the same deadly lights that killed Toji. "Accept this divine punishment to you who is forsaken by the heavens, you are a disgraced one."

"Better than a control freak, to be honest." The blue-haired young sorcerer shrugged nonchalantly. 'I honestly don't know how to deal these things, but I gotta act like I got my shit, right? You know, fake it till you make it.'

But for the female deity, that was her last nail on the coffin before the several projectile beams went straight to Sora. Luckily for her, the lightning barriers she has can also withstood other's sacred energy. The attack, however, was torrent enough to send her body flying and violently crashing from buildings to grounds.

"Man, that hurts..." She coughed an ounce of blood before pulling herself up, then promptly expanding her arms to thicken and outstretched her lightning barriers because there was already another round of incoming attacks.

As Sora learned how control her sacred energy, she was able to reform her barrier in any and all ways possible.

And that seem to infuriated the Goddess more, plus the fact that her attacks were not really not doing much to the blue-haired sorcerer.

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