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"YUJI!" Sora shouted as the young man's body flew from the opposite direction.

With those words Sukuna uttered, he leaped towards her with all the intent to attack. With all the intent to kill.

And Itadori quickly protected her by using his body as a shield. Without hesitation at that, they barely even knew each other.


Sukuna moved again towards her. But before he could even be near to the woman, Itadori grabbed him from one of his arms and it was his turn this time to throw the King of Curses in a different direction, farthest away from Sora.

They exchanged blows and attacks, kicks and punches, but it was mostly Itadori at the receiving end. The receiving ends of bruises and injuries. For Sukuna is in his perfect and original form, the young man couldn't par against him in the same level.

And when Itadori was already half-dead, he left him barely alive on the ground.

"D-Don't... Don't go after, Sora..." He coughed out, albeit wheezing. "You'll regret it... She's our key... to finally l-live..."

Sukuna scoffed, taking the young man's words as something absurd and silly. He simply gazed at the almost lifeless person in the ground who annoyingly looked identical with him.

'As I traversed time after my mortal death, I know for sure that this brat right here traveled back time.' His frowned deepened. 'But I don't know for what cause. And I know I'm missing something. Something very important.'

The distorted feeling and the utter vexation clouded his mind. Then he turned to the woman who has the same face and energy of the person who was able to separate his limbs and perfectly hides his body so that he may never come again in this land with his original form.

He sprinted to her direction, and this time, no one is stopping him, much to his delight.

But for Sora, he could see him in a perfect slow motion as he sprinted. She could perfectly see his desire to kill her. His bloodthrist. And the fact that she could see that clearly increased her anxiety and fright.

And just as he was a step away from reaching her, her mouth created a chant pronouncement. As if her lips has its own and different life, as if she was being possessed.

"Sealing of the Twelve Shrines."

Twelve red Torii shrines fell from the sky, one after another, creating a circle pattern to trap the man with four arms.

'What... is that-?' As Itadori was about to question internally, Sora beat him to it.

"WHA...WHAT IS THAT?!" For someone who was able to call twelve Toriis as if it were just in her disposal, she sounded utterly confused.


She turned to Sukuna, hoping he'd give her the answers and acting as if he knew better. But the King of Curses focused his struggle and all his strength on escaping the circle, but it was all futile. As it seems, the more he tries to hurt or resist the wall of sealing, the stronger it gets.

"Wha... what the the hell is going on...?" Sora shakily breathe out. She went and aided the injured pink-haired teenager, albeit hesitant to leave her eyes from the King of Curses.

Itadori managed to sit up, and healed himself using cursed energy. Through out his three lives, he learned a few tricks here and there that was really helpful to his survival until now.

Though, his healing, or what others might call regeneration, is slow and inferior to compared to Sukuna or Gojo, but at least there is an ounce amount enough to help him through. He ought to be grateful.

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