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"Sora-san, are you gay?"

A violent and loud choke of coughing escaped from the woman with blue hair, the unfiltered question was rather rude but the delivery tone was so innocent that it was hard to be offended.

Fushiguro deadpanned while Nobara slapped the boy's back.

"You dumb kirby, you're not supposed to ask other people's gender like that!" The brunette woman glared, which made Itadori to fall on defense.

"No! I'm just wondering because every time I see hot girls that are so my type and checked them out, Sora-san is already checking them out too!"

Sora covered her face with her hands as the embarrassment crawled on her face, she wasn't even one to easily shy away but the sudden exposing didn't give her time to prepare. She couldn't even deny the claim, because she indeed did that.

The raven-haired boy could only facepalmed, unsure which side is toleratable to take. Itadori who innocently asked a tactless question but his friend, or Sora who secretly checked out fellow women but his... well, the one who could help them...?

"Well, not gay, Yuji." She laughed dryly, recovered from the embarrassing revelation. "Pansexual, rather."

"Pansexual? Dunno 'bout that. I guess, I know only gays and lesbian." Itadori inquired, curious and interested. Which made Nobara to sneer. "You're uncultured man, I see." the fellow classmate teased, and that only prompted him to roll his eyes and groan.

"Pansexual is basically attracted to any and all genders regardless of their sex and their orientation." Sora patted his shoulder with eyes sparkling with mischief. "You can think of it as an eat all you can."

Least to say, they had unique and diverse reactions.

Nobara grinned slyly as she nodded, as if the woman was ready to evangelize someone. While Itadori let out an'ooohh' with interest like he was being enlightened. Fushiguro on the other hand, he could only slightly part his lips open and starr with incredulity because of the woman's peculiar phrasing.

"I could tell the moment I saw you, senpai, you're homo."

Sora raised her one brow at the brunette woman with playful smirk tugging the corner of her lips. "How'd ya know?"

"Ally." Nobara winked, which made the two girls share knowing giggles and high five together.

The four of them were currently inside Sora's designated dormitory room, hanging around. Itadori and Nobara were playing some nice old video games that they bought from the store. While Fushiguro was beside his pinknette friend and Sora was laying horizontal on her bed, both of them were just simply watching the two first-years who immersed themselves in 1v1 match game.

And the kirby boy was taking the lead from their virtual competition, video games are his forte after all. Establishing a mini deal that the loser has to get everyone food from the school's cafe, Nobara was burning with passion not to fall behind and takeover the game.

For a trivial deal like that, both of them were fighting passionately as if their lives were on the line. It was very adorable. At least that's what they're passionately fighting for, Sora could only giggle at them.

"Sora-senpai, can I ask you something?" Fushiguro shifted his eyes to the woman, and he began to braid her long lovely blue hair carefully. Since her head was near the corner of the bed where he was sitting, it was tempting and easy to reach for her sky-like locks.

She simply hummed, encouraging the raven-haired boy to speak his mind. "Since you said that you're into all genders, have you actually been in same sex relationship? Like, committed?" The first-year asked, interested to know.

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