twenty two

441 31 35

Sora's POV

"Haha! That cursed mortal is smart but still incorrect."

I'm back again. In this dream. In this place.

Where it felt I'm standing in the center of the universe, tiny shining spheres and with each of them had its different... life. And in front of me, it was still the same man I saw in my previous dream.

"Who are you, mister?" I tilted my head and lifted my eyebrow at him, crossing my arms.

"If you look at me like that, I'll get hurt." The man chuckled lowly as he approached me calmly. "It was not punishment."


"It was love. You נעל את זיכרונות העבר מתוך אהבה אליהם..."

"H-huh?" My expression turned weirded out, because his next words blurred. Literally blurred out. As if the man spoke something he wasn't supposed to speak, or at least, I was not suppose to know.

He became silent for a moment before letting out a soft sigh, then the man tucked my hair behind my ear. His eyes were warm as he looked at me, his fingertips were tender as he touched my skin.

"It seems you're still restricted."

"Restricted? What does that mean? Restricted from what?"

"Unfortunately, even I can only do much." The tall man muttered, not answering my question and making my frown deeper. Then his index finger pressed the area where my heart is located.

"So I hope, along with the people you favor by your side, this will be the compass towards the path you desire."

He gave me a gentle smile. Before then the index finger he pressed on my heart area, rotated.

And I could tell, something inside of me... changed.

End of Sora's POV

Sora was in a coma-like state for a week now, bedridden in the furthest room in jujutsu school, isolated from the rest of the buildings.

The woman didn't open her eyes from the last several days and she was constantly running with hazardously high fevers. Nights were always the worst times, her pale sick body was always drowned in sweats and uncontrollable shivers, along with pained grunts and cries.

If one has a weak heart, it was uncomfortable to look at. It was like a dying person not dying.

So imagine Gojo's shock when Sora suddenly sat up from the bed and slowly fluttered her eyes open. Shock was beyond understatement.


Then slowly, she moved her head towards the white-haired second-year. And when their gazes met, his heart skipped a beat.

'Her eyes...'

His mouth were slightly parted open as he stare in awe and astonishment.

Sora's golden eyes glowed much differently this time, in a very distinctive way. It was sparkling and iridescent, not a simple soft glow. It was as though all the golds that were poured on them met the sun. On top of that, maybe Gojo had just finally lost his mind, but inside her jewel-like eyes that became iridescent, there were faint cogwheels. Moving, in motion.

The atmosphere, the presence, and the vibe from the blue-haired fourth-year was subtly different now. It was subtle, but it was there, and Gojo would be damned if he didn't notice it, if he didn't notice the faint cogwheels in her variegated golden eyes.

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