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'Just know.... I could've died, right...?'

Sora couldn't even let out a sound as she reluctantly turned her head to Sukuna who's red eyes gazing down at her. Adding more intimidation, and he's not even in his real form right now

He could've really killed her if he so desired it.

Even Geto and Gojo were stiffed on their tracks, petrified at what could've possibly happen had the King of Curses whimsically wanted to shed her blood and decided not to his hand in time.

"S-Sukuna...?" His name left shakily out of her lips. And the fact that the strongest cursed simply remained quiet magnify their fear.

The cursed was silent for an agonizing moment before he sighed and let down his hand that was very much in front of Sora.

She felt her body losing strength, weakening immensely, but she didn't know if she should or could react right now. Too scared that any gesture might be improper course of action to take in front of the King of Curses.

"The reason why you were able to render me when we first met was simply because I confronted you directly." Sukuna began. "The same reason with that Jogo and other unintelligent curses you've dealt. And the same goes with these two weaklings. But had it been different, like a deceitful sneaky ambush, you won't stand a chance. Since you're weak, you're not that hard to kill."

'Well, at least, for now.'

"...H-Hey Sukuna, you shouldn't say that." Geto hesitantly chuckled. "I mean, you're right, but please say it in a nicer way."

The black-haired sorcerer simply earned a click of Sukuna's tongue. While Sora felt like there were two stones falling on top of her head because of their reality check, she weakly wiped off the nonexistent blood that dripped from her mouth.

"It was not subconscious draw of energy." Sukuna continued as he shifted his look at Gojo who only lifted his eyebrow in response, waiting him to explain further. "It was precisely because she was conscious that is why none of you could knock her around."

"Eh? What do you mean, Sukuna? When I tried to call one of my(?) techniques, it didn't work..."

"Because you don't know how to manipulate sacred energy." He sighed as he crossed his arms. "They are right about you being able to protect yourself in the presence of danger. And that is because you are aware of the danger. You were aware that these two would attack you, that's why you were able to stand against them. However, that wasn't the same case with me, you didn't know I'd join in, hence catching you off guard and I could've killed right away. The reason why those little lightning bolts of yours didn't activate when I threatened to attack you was because, again, you were not aware. It seems you need to preconceive the danger first. Do you get what I mean?"

The three students merely blinked at him, clearly either lost with the overwhelming information or confuse with what they just heard, which made Sukuna sighed exasperatedly.

"What I'm trying to say is that this brat couldn't command her sacred energy at will, but rather the energy itself approached her the moment she perceived the threat, extending as a barrier from any harm that could befall her."

Sora tilted her head as she crossed her arm, still confuse at a few things. "Eh? That's even more confusing. Like, how does the sacred energy even comes to me?"

"Well, how do I say this..." Sukuna gazed at the blue-haired woman, his eyes glistened with profoundness for a short moment before it quickly disappeared. "It's like some sort of... you could say, ownership."

"Ownership...?" The two second-second years were questioned as their faces are painted with astonishment.

While Sora simply widen her golden jewel-like eyes and her lips parted at the information.

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