Episode 6

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A/N - Jungkook is taehyung's younger brother but nobody knows that till now. In this episode it will be revealed.

Lisa - Hey YN wake up ! It's Sunday. Jungkook has invited us to hangout for his victory in basketball.

YN - ( mumbling in sleep ) hmm jungkook

Lisa - Woah you are mumbling his name in your sleep...ohoo something is fishy.

YN quickly got up and smacked her head lightly.

YN - I'm not like u to roam around boys...even a junior🙄

Lisa - Ahh that hurts ! Anyways go and get ready.

YN - where is the party btw ??

Lisa - It's not a party dude...we will just hangout in a nearby bar.

YN - what ? Bar ? I have never been to any bar before.

Lisa - really YN ? U r in korea but still never visited a bar ? Common...u r already 20. Don't isolate yourself.

YN dressed herself with a cute pinkish frock.

Lisa - dude do u only have these girly dress in your cupboard huh ? Try something new.

YN - Yaahh...I don't like bold dress. I prefer girly clothes.

Lisa - no worries...I will give u a dress of mine. Wear that today.
YN wore this 👇

YN - hey don't u think it's little revealing

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YN - hey don't u think it's little revealing

Lisa - Really YN !? U look so sexy

YN - Hey stop it... I'm not comfortable.

Lisa - Whyy?? Do u think I will lie to u ? Come let's goo. Everyone must me waiting

They soon reached the bar. YN was little uncomfortable as it was her first time in bar and also she had revealing clothes on. But Lisa assured to make her feel better. They entered the bar and saw their whole gang waiting for them. It included jungkook , Felix , eunwoo , mingyu , jennie , rosie , sana etc
They were all amazed to see the new look of YN.

Jennie - wow YN...is it you ? Ommo u look so sexy gurl !

Felix - yes YN...u look so good. Common have some drinks.

Lisa - Do u guys know that it's gonna be her first drink

Eunwoo - really YN !? U have never tried it before ?

YN looked down and nodded as no.

Jungkook - then what r u waiting for ? Gulp it in one go.

Everyone cheered for her and she gulped it ! She liked it so she went for more 2-3 shots. Just then Taehyung called her. She looked at her phone screen and got tensed.

Jennie - what happened YN ? Who is calling u ?

YN - Umm it's my boss...I don't know why is he calling me at this time...

Jennie - Omg Mr Kim is calling. Put it on speaker...we wanna hear too. Don't tell him that u r in bar.

YN hesitatingly picked up the call and put it on speaker. Everyone's attention was on the phone. A deep husky voice came

Taehyung - Hello YN ? Are u there ?

YN - Nee...yes sir. What happened?

Taehyung - come to the office now

YN - Now ? But today is Sunday and it's already night. I'm at my aunt's house .Is there any leftover work ?

Taehyung - No actually....nothing. I'm hanging up now.

Call ended !!

Rosie - what was that for ? Why did he call when he had nothing to tell.

YN - Ikr...he is weird sometimes

Jungkook - I think I have heard this voice somewhere. Nevermind , let's continue !

They all took their glasses and said cheers 🥂 and gulped it .


Taehyung was having a flashback of his past since yesterday...he wanted to get rid off it so he decided to visit a bar to comfort himself. But little did he know that YN was in the same bar too .

Everyone left from there except jungkook ,eunwoo , Lisa , and YN. These 2 pairs of besties were gossipping with eachother just when taehyung entered. YN saw him and hid under the table.

Eunwoo - Hey YN...what happened to her ? Why is she hiding under table.

Just then a hand was placed on jungkook's shoulder. Jk looked up to see his brother standing.

Jk - hyung ! What r u doing here ?

Taehyung - It's a bar so I came here to drink...not to sleep.

Just then he noticed Lisa....

Taehyung - You ? I think I have seen you somewhere.

Lisa - ( in her mind - omg he recognised me. Wow Mr Kim remembers me )

Tae -:Ok anyways...hey eunwoo how r u ( he hugged him ) he is nice to him as he is his brother's bestie .

Eunwoo - I'm good hyung...come over my place someday.

Tae - yes I'll...ok guys u have fun. I will go and sit in the other section of the bar .

As soon as he went away , YN came out under the table and ran to washroom.

Jungkook - what's with this girl ? Why is she behaving like that. Ok anyways I will leave now too...eunwoo come let's go. Lisa....wbu ??

Lisa - yes u guys go...let YN come ,we will go in cab.

Jungkook - No it's ok we will wait for her...it's already late at night so it won't be safe to book a cab now.


YN - ( looking herself at mirror ) oo godd u saved me today....thank God he didn't notice me.

?? - who didn't notice u ?

YN turned back and became shocked to see the person standing. He was even too shocked to see YN in this attire.

YN - Mr...Ki..m ??

Taehyung - Y/N...??

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