03 | Kill me now

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We make it to class in plenty of time before Miss Marsha arrives. Seeing that she's running a bit late, Ciara continues to tell me all about that boy she likes.

"Okay, so he's new to town, as you already know, and he wanted me to take him on a date so that I could show him around."

I squeezed her arm. "Aww, my baby is all grown up, going on dates with boys."

She giggles, somewhat flushed.

"Which is something that can never happen to you, Thompson."

I groan as I hear that aggravating voice, knowing exactly who it belongs to. "Stop projecting Miller." I turn to face him, and yes, he sits right behind me. It seems like the odds aren't in my favour. If that makes any sense,.

First, he is in nearly all of my classes, and to rub salt on the wound, we sit close to each other. Just great, huh?

"Sweetheart, you know that is completely wrong, right?" He smirks as he leans back on his chair, his hair falling a bit on his face.

I roll my eyes, turning around, knowing that he's right—Aiden has over half of the school's female population at his feet. Everyone knows that, and there is no denying it, sadly.

I am not attempting to start another argument. I let out an exaggerated sigh, turning my full attention back to Ciara and gesturing for her to continue.

She smiles and says, "Anyways."

Before she could finish her sentence, the same irritating voice called out once again.

"Sorry to interrupt, ladies, but Thompson, you know about the test, right? that teacher is giving out today?" He says this, leaning forward and giving me his full attention.

"Of course I do, Miller."

"Hm, well, I hope you didn't forget our little bet." He recalled it with a smile.

I roll my eyes. "Nope, not a chance. If I get a higher mark, you will have to buy me lunch for the rest of the month."

"And if I get a higher mark, which I will, you sit beside me for the rest of the month," Aiden added in an amused tone. I have no idea why he chose that for his part; that doesn't benefit him in any way. But then again, he'll probably use that opportunity to annoy the hell out of me.

I scoff, ignoring his cunning remark. "Well, let's see." I replied as Miss. Marsha finally arrives, with sheets of paper on her hands and sporting her signature pinched expression.

The class quiets down, and everyone gets into a stiff position. Knowing how she gets up in the morning.

She clears her throat, staking the papers on her desk and adjusting her blouse. "These papers I have here are your graded test sheets from last week; I'll start passing them down now."

I was stiff while adjusting myself to my seat. I suddenly hear a snicker behind me.

"Calm your nerves, Thompson, and start getting ready to be my seating partner." He says the last part in a humming tone, something he tends to do for some reason.

"We haven't even gotten our test yet; what makes you so sure?"

I get interrupted by Miss. Marsha placed my sheet on my desk, facing the back.

Academic lovers Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang