41 | Resolution

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Today was the day, I was going to talk to her. Things between me and her had been super awkward and tense lately, and even my dad couldn't stand it anymore.

So there I was, being dragged by my dad into the living room, where she was perched on her throne - aka the kitchen seat. I couldn't help but notice her fingers flying across the keyboard, almost like dragon claws. And those glasses of hers, sitting low on her nose. She was like a beast in human form.

"alright Zhera, go on." My dad said snapping me out of my thoughts

I cleared my throat and made my where towards where my mom was sitting, on the kitchen counter.

We stayed there in silence one not wanted to back down. Either she was going to be the adult.. well the older one and parent and talk or we're not going to be progressing here

"Hunny talk to Zhera."

Yeah mom talk to your daughter.

My mom stopped typing, turned towards him than me. And took a big breath in. "I guess it's been a couple of days since, last time, want to talk about it?"

"yeah." I whispered

I could feel dad smiling.

"I've had some time to think and realized that I was a bit too much that day."

A bit? yeah right, I nodded and stayed quiet, waiting for her to continue, but she didn't of course.

"Do you support my choice?"

"not really, but I realized it's your life and do whatever you want, i'm going to try to understand it."

"But why"

"why what?"

"Why don't you support my choice to be a lawyer"

My mother's response was swift and firm. "Because I sent you to school to be something better, not a lawyer. Your education is important, and a doctor is better."

I felt a surge of frustration and confusion. "School, school, school, that's all you guys talk about," I muttered under my breath.

"What are you talking about, young lady?" my mother demanded, her voice rising. "What do you mean, Zhera?" my dad chimed in.

I guess this was the day that I was going to talk to them about it.

"I feel like you guys always prioritize my education. I also think that my education is important, but sometimes it feels like you guys put it above me."

The room fell into silence, and then my dad broke it with a gentle voice, "How long have you been feeling this way?"

"For a long time, especially during moments like these. It's always about school, school, school. It feels like you never ask how I'm doing or if I'm okay, just about my education ."

The relief flooded through me as I finally let it all out. It felt liberating to express how I felt

My mom turned towards me a look of regret on her face. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

I fiddled with my fingers "I don't know, I just didn't know how to tell you."

She looked at my dad, and he sighed.

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