31 | Perspectives

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Aiden's POV

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath, unable to get Zhera off my mind. My mind was flooded with questions. Did she feel the same way? Was I being too forward? Did she want to kiss me too? The uncertainty weighed heavily on my heart.

I kept thinking about the kiss she gave me on my cheek as I brushed my hands over my them. I mean, that had to have meant something. My cheeks get flushed every time I think about it.

"Hey, Aiden, relax," Xavier said, trying to calm me down.

I threw the ball even further, feeling the tension in my body. "Relax?" I repeated

Xavier shrugged. "Yeah, you both wanted it. So what's the problem?"

His words hit me; maybe I was overthinking things. We both obviously wanted it, and she did lean in too. What would have happened if we didn't get interrupted? That damn librarian..

Expressing my feelings for Zhera seemed like an impossible task, and trust me when I tell you nothing is impossible for me.

I was undeniably infatuated with her; everyone around me could tell, but except for her. She had always been the oblivious type.

"I don't know," I whispered as I brought down the football I was tossing.

Alejandro zipped up his bag, "Let's just focus on preparing for the trip. It'll take your mind off of it."

I stood up from the bed. "You know she's going to be there, right?"

"Well, just be yourself. Act like you usually do, and we can talk about it later."

I sighed "You're right."

Zhera Thompson, her name alone evokes a sense of warmth and affection in me. I've known her for so long and longed for her for so long. She's been the only girl that I liked; since the first day we met, she caught my eye with her personality.

Well, maybe because I broke her project, which was obviously an accident, which she still won't understand. As the years passed and we grew older, my feelings for her also grew.

If younger me found out about this—that I was smitten by the unusual girl who wore pigtails—every day, he would definitely laugh in my face.

My heart is always filled with different emotions whenever I think of her, and I can't help but cherish every moment we share, even the bad ones.

In those moments where she looked like she was about to murder me, even with hatred filled in her eyes, she still looked her prettiest.

Xavier inched closer to me, a knowing look in his eyes. "I can tell you're head over heels for her, maybe even in love."

I couldn't help but admit, "I do love her."

It was a moment of realization, as I chuckled at how I skipped over the "liking" stage and dove straight into love. I really do love Zhera.

From the constant arguments and hate to our shared smiles and laughs. Ah, that smile that she hardly ever shows me whenever she's with me. The dimpled smile that makes her look ten times more stunning.

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