04 | Wrong number

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"I'm home," I announce in a tired voice as I enter the house.


I shake my head since everything around me is completely silent. Like usual, it looks like they're not home yet. I drag my feet to the other side of the room.

Entering the kitchen, I notice a note on the counter: "Sorry, honey, your dad and I are working late today. Go find something for you to eat; don't forget to study too." —Mom

This is what I'm usually welcomed to when I come home from school: complete silence and emptiness throughout the entire house. Most days, my parents work very late, so it's just me at home.

I suddenly groaned as I recalled my teacher's announcement earlier in the day: she said that Aiden and I were a group together as a pair, and I was displeased—actually, I still am. I don't even know how to describe my current state of mind, but the only word I can think of is "pissed.".

After it happened, I urged her to change one of us, but she seemed uninterested in hearing me out, saying that her decision was final.

Aiden, however, merely remained in the back, snickering and finding the situation amusing. I am concerned that my grade may suffer because of how poorly Aiden and I get along when we're together. I am sure that Miss Marsha assigned us to each other out of spite. Doesn't she see how we interact together? God, please help me.

I purr my lips, shaking the thoughts out of my head. "Everything is going to be all right, Zhera." "Don't stress yourself over this." "It's just Aiden, nothing to worry about, I tell myself out loud as I pace around the kitchen, running my hands through my hair.

This is going to be the death of me.

You know what, Zhera, this is just Aiden; you're just going to have a project with him; you've known him for so long, so this isn't the end of the world. You can do this.

After I am done having that internal breakdown, I go to the fridge to see if there's anything to calm my hunger.

"Hmm, so we have cheese, chicken, and spaghetti; hmmm, oh, got it! I can make some cheesy chicken spaghetti, perfect."

Just as I was done taking out the ingredients, my phone started ringing. Who could it be at this time? Probably Ciara

I picked up the phone, questioning who it is, when I noticed that it's an unknown caller. I hesitate to respond, but I do, and I begin to wait for the other person to speak.

"Hello sweetheart" The smooth,deep voice of Aiden speaks, giving me a sharp pain in my head. I pause for a moment, debating whether I should respond or end the call.

"Stop thinking so much, Thompson; I know you heard me," he says, aware of what I was considering.

He seems to always know what I'm thinking, and it pisses me off.

"What is it, Miller? I'm quite busy right now."

"Oh, are you?" His tone made it clear to me that he didn't care.

"Yes, and how did you even get my number?" I ask, suddenly remembering that I've never given him my phone number.

"Your amazing friend gave it to me," he replied while chuckling, not bothering to tell me which one.


"Just get to the point; what is it?"

I hear rustling in the background. "Why in such a hurry, sweetheart? What if I told you I just wanted to hear your voice?"

"Miller!" I grunted.

"Thompson," he whispered calmly.

"I am this close to ending this call and blocking you," I threatened while putting my fingers close to each other.

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