"Hibiki do you have a minute?" asks Leo

"yes?" Hibiki gave him his full attention

Leo deliberately puts his hands on his neck exactly when Hwan looked at them and pulls him closer as to whisper something to him, Hibiki ears are sensitive so that made his ears go red when he suddenly came up and whispers on them.  

Hwan only saw how Hibiki stood there getting all shy when its so clear that he is doing that on purpose, "I will kill him" Hwan swears on Leo. how dare he make a move on his lover. where as Leo is content with the reaction he was expecting.

it wasn't long after that finally his shift came to an end, Hwan waited for him outside and once he came they made their way to their home, Hwan was unusually quite as they walk beside each other, what's with him? thought Hibiki. 

Hibiki suddenly saw a group of people tailing them, since its quite dark he can't really tell who they are he just have a hunch that they are following them. could they be them? those jerks from our college? what if they found out that we live together? not like I care but what if they bother Hwan as well? 

"Hwan! just follow me!" Hibiki grabbed his hands and sprint away 

"Hibiki? why? what?" even though Hwan is confused he still follow him blindly where he takes him. 

"nothing, just feel like running, wana go see the ocean?" Hibiki held his hands as they both run to god knows where because they pass their apartment just a while ago, Hwan has no idea but whatever "it's this way..." this time Hwan took the lead and run holding his hand toward the ocean.

they ran laughing like a kid in the white sand which shines under the moon, they didn't stopped until they felt like their legs is on the verge of collapsing. they both fall on the sand and laughing their ass out, "what got into you all of sudden hahaha, what was that?" asks Hwan looking at his right side lying down on sand gasping for air in his lungs and looks at Hibiki who himself is out of oxygen. 

"just wanted to see the ocean" Hibiki sits up and stare at the vast ocean in front oh him. 

"I know you are lying" Hwan said being blunt 

"whatever and..."

Hwan pulled him over himself and took him into a kiss because he don't want to hear his lies it will be better if he don't answer then lying to him, Hwan softly holds his face and kiss him softly yet a little roughly, "stop it what if someone sees us?" Hibiki tried to push him away but it was futile, he don't get it when it comes to Hwan why he always gets so weak as if he soaks away all his strength or something. "but I want you right now.." Hwan's eyes shines as the moon light falls onto them. 

"you are impossible" Hibiki bite his lips as he gives up to his lover

Hwan took him to the nearest bathroom as Hibiki wished because he don't like the idea of doing such acts outside even if they are on the empty side of the beach, what if someone sees them. he pushed him inside a stall and slammed him on the door attacking him with a kiss. 

"heh.." Hibiki chuckled remembering something 


"its just reminds me of that time when you were all over me inside the college bathroom" 

"I still am" Hwan chuckled softly in his ears almost brushing his lips on his ears exactly the place where Leo touched.

without wasting a single breath they smashed their lips on each other, in past whenever they kiss it will be soft filled with care but the way they are kissing right now its just crazy desire and sexual thirst for one another, Hwan parts hips lips and ate his lips like there is no tomorrow. 

"slow..." Hibiki wants him to slow down but anyways 

on other hand Hwan didn't even heard him as he was busy undressing his lover, "turn this way" he made him face the door and penetrate in him the next second Hibiki almost came when he touched his deepest part on first thrust, he is going to be the end of me. 

"I want to see you" says Hibiki in-between his moans and struggling to get the grip in the door

Hwan suddenly had an adrenalin rush when he said something this cute, and melted his heart like an ice cube, "here...now make sure you don't look anywhere but me" Hwan pulled out and turned him facing each other, picked his legs and thrust inside him again. "eh...yah..." but now that they are looking at each other he felt his face turning in shade of pink. 

they both cleaned up and came out almost after one hour, Hwan looked at him once, "look at you! people will think you really did some perverted things in there" he grabbed his lover's red face in between both of his palms and pulled him towards himself. 

"and who's fault you think this is?" he asked rising his brows, in reply Hwan kissed him again. 

they went back by the shore and since its not that late there are a quite a lot of people who came in groups or with there partner to have fun here. Hibiki looked around and there are people but it doesn't look like they really care. "Hibiki..." Hwan's voice took all his attention, he offer his hand for him to took it. 

Hibiki smiled and took his hands as he holds them gently, Hwan is happy because unlike that day he didn't hesitated and held his hand despite this much crowd around them. as for Hibiki all his attention is on Hwan and everything else is blur. 

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