But, with a deep breath, he soon realizes his location. The fresh air of the sea, the sounds of waves crashing on the shore...

"Selene..." He utters, a giggle from behind soon emitting.

"It's good to see you again, Phoenix."

Slowly, the boy stands to his feet. He faces the young pale woman, a look of excitement yet a look of anxiousness on his face.

Excitement that he finally gets to meet this woman again, yet anxiousness for the words she was to say.

"It's been quite a while, Selene. Last I saw you was during the Vytal Festival."

Selene nods.

"It has been quite some time, hasn't it? I deeply apologize for... being quite inactive, so to say."

She lets out a sigh.

"Unlocking your memories... takes up a lot of my energy. And, admittedly... trying to recover said energy in my current state has proven to be... a challenge."

Apollo hums, the boy lowering his head.

"I'll... take your word for it. I have no idea what it's like to be in your shoes, hehe..."

He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. Selene shrugs and crosses her arms.

"In any case... I assume you know why I've brought you here, Phoenix?"

The smile on his face slowly wipes away.

"Yeah. So... what have you unlocked, Selene?"

Selene turns to the boy, noting the worried expression on his face.

"Worried? Mm... perhaps I shouldn't show you, then. " She asks, the boy frantically shaking his head.

"N-No! I-It's fine! I'm just..."

He glances away and sighs.

As far as he could remember, the first memory he had was Tony finding him by the farm.

He didn't know his age at the time, only that he was "really young".

Heck, no one knew how old he was. Not even himself.

Not even Oz.

What memories could he have possibly undergone before that... 

If it was enough to cause such severe memory loss... perhaps he was better off not knowing.



"Fear of the unknown, y'know?"

He says, a nervous smile to boot. However, Selene laughs.

"I was joking, Phoenix. And besides, I wouldn't let all my energy go to waste unlocking your memories."

Apollo hums.

"Of course, Selene. Thank you for doing all this for me, by the way."

She smiles and nods.

"Of course. It's the least I can do for your fa- for you!"

She quickly looks away, a small frown appearing on the boy's face.

He wasn't oblivious enough to not know what she was originally going to say.

But, he knew better than to let such trivial means blind his sight.

So, with a deep breath, he nods.

"I'm ready. Show me my memories."

And, upon that command, the beach fades to white.


The Ashes of The Chosen.


He. Shall. Rise.

The Ashes of The Chosen (RWBY x OC) (Arc 3)Where stories live. Discover now