Chapter 26:: The Eavesdropper

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"What the heck?" Nisha stared at the recent text from her elder sister. 

'Kabir's coming over to the room with some hot soup.' 

Her heart had skipped a beat at the text message but now it was replaced with anxiousness. She was alone in the room for fucks sake. Was she going to be in a room alone with him? 
With people around, she could still find ways to cope with the internal havoc his presence caused her. 

But if it was just them, how would she handle it? 

She heard a knock on the door and swallowed, wiping her sweaty palms on the sides of her dress. 
Hesitantly opening the door, she was welcomed by the sight of Kabir with a soft smile. His brows furrowed as he noticed her distressed face. 
"Are you okay?" He leaned in closer, taking a good look. Fuck him for that.
"Your nose is flushed. You must have a bad cold." He sighed, backing away as she cleared her throat, holding in the cough she was dying to let out. 

She moved aside, giving him the space to enter. 

"Ah, they sent some hot seafood soup for you. You should have it while it's warm." Nisha hummed, holding her chest while staring at his back. 
He placed the bag on the coffee table and searched around, "Is there any spoon?"
"Oh yeah... I have one in my bag." 
"In your bag?" He frowned.

"I always have a spoon in my bag, just in case." 

She approached her bag lying at a corner of the room, looking as if it had been neglected for the whole time.

He let out a light chuckle, "Just in case? Do you attack kidnappers with a spoon or something?" 
"No... not for that. I have pepper spray and scissors for that." She casually spoke., taking out a spoon. 

"Yeah, in case some creep tries to do something, I can just cut what they need." She shrugged, turning towards Kabir to see him staring at her blankly. 
He slowly sat on the couch, pressing his legs together. 
She let out a laugh, "Hey! Don't make that expression... It's only for creeps, okay?" 
"You don't seem trustworthy. I need protection now." He whispered to himself, shaking his head. 

She frowned, "Protection from me?" 
"Who else?" 
She smiled, sitting beside him as he opened the packet for her.
"Is your cold very bad?"
"Worsening with time."
"Did you take your medicine?" He asked, cautiously placing the soup in front of her and checking how warm the container was. 

"It's moderately warm. You can have it this way. Also, don't keep the aircon's temperature too low. You'll catch a cold quicker. Better you keep it turned off." A smile adorned her face at his nagging.
"Maa already gave me a long lecture on that. Rest assured, sir." 
He smiled, leaning against the couch.

She cleaned the spoon and stirred the soup, "This looks good." 
"Good to know it does." 
"Why did you return though? Was it to deliver this?" She asked with a slight frown. 

He didn't answer her for a few moments, "Ah, just because..." 

His expression changed, "It was voluntary. I wanted to see you." 

"Huh?" She gave him a surprised look, analyzing his smile.
"What? I told you I like your company the best. Plus, you were sick so I got worried." He blatantly spoke as if his words didn't cause something within her to stir violently. 

Nodding, she blew on the spoon and tentatively pulled it closer to her mouth while his gaze settled on her. 
She put the spoon in her mouth, softly closing her eyes for a brief moment, "This tastes good." 

"Did you eat yet?" Her gaze shifted to him.
"Nope. Why?"
"We could share. There's quite a lot of soup." He gave her a small smile, "I'm good, you eat." 
"Come on. It's weird if you sit here while I eat. Do you want some snacks?"

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