Chapter 24:: Obvious & Oblivious

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"Ay, come here." Priti gestured to Nisha who moved her index, indicating a 'no'.
"I don't want to. I'm fed up with clicking pictures." 

She tucked a hair strand behind her ears and looked behind Priti to find Kabir standing there. He was laughing with Atif. 
"Why did they order tea here? Is tea the only thing Maa and Baba know?" Adisha asked Adil who shrugged. 

Most people were busy among themselves but the chaos her family caused gained some attention. 
"Nisha!!" She ignored Priti's constant calling and approached Kabir. 

As soon as his eyes fell on her, his grin flattened. A warm look coated his face, "Nisha." He mumbled.

"What are you doing?" She asked as his gaze travelled from head to toe, checking her out — probably in the politest way she'd ever seen — as he smiled. 
"What?" She arched a brow.

He didn't respond.

"Chatting with the idiots, that's all. You?" He asked, shifting closer to her — that did not go unnoticed by her. 
Why did he behave so intimate with her if he had someone else in mind? She wondered. 

No matter how much she mulled over it, the suspicions seemed to increase gradually.

"Nisha?" He asked, disconcerted.
"Huh? Oh.. what?" 
"You've been zoning out frequently these days. Are you sure everything's fine?" 

'Do you get to ask me that when it's you who worries me?' She thought to herself, shaking her head vigorously.
"Nope, I'm fine. Just... tired from the journey." 
"Should I walk you back to your hotel room?" 

She let out a scoff, "For my Maa to kick both of us out of the world? Sure, sir." 
Pressing his lips, he took a step closer to her. 

She swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling self-aware of his proximity. It wasn't only the fact that her parents or anybody witnessing their closure would misinterpret them but her heartbeats were on the edge as well. 

She fisted her hands, mentally praying for the tingly sensation to die down as the intensity of his scent increased around her. 
"You seem awful." He whispered, leaning closer. 
"You're too close." She looked away, blinking continuously. 
"And you're sweating too." He casually spoke, unbothered by the stares Atif was giving him. 
"I—" Her words were interrupted by Atif pushing Kabir away with him, "Come on. Are you cheating on me, Kabir?" 

She pressed her lips as Kabir scowled at Atif. 
He glanced at her, earning a small smirk. Of course, now the game was fun.

Ajay joined in with Wahi, "Ay, what are you guys doing?"
"I think Kabir's cheating on me," Atif spoke, earning loud gasps from the other two clowns. 
"Shams! Big news!" Wahi ran up to Shams who was busy taking pictures of Priti. 
"Imagine bothering the couple who barely got a honeymoon..." She sighed, shaking her head. Priti gave her a desperate look to which she could only shrug.

She only felt pity for her sister and her husband. 

"Leave my hand, you piece of—" Kabir stopped, controlling his words as Atif frowned, "What do you mean? I told your mother we're getting married." 
"That's juicy." Nisha nodded, raising her brows.
"NO." Kabir made a panicked face, trying to move Atif away. He laughed, "Just kidding, idiot. But I did tell your mother you have a thing for Shams. That's why you're single." 

"Um, I should leave now." She sensed Kabir's face turning red and walked away, not forgetting to glance at him busy smacking Atif. 
"Why are they so unhinged?" She shook her head with a sigh.

"Nisha, do you want Chai ?" Her mother asked, making her hold her nape.

Tea in this situation, seriously? 

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