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I want you to know
I'm a mirrorball
I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
I'll get you out on the floor
Shimmering beautiful
And when I break,
it's in a million pieces

Eva and Henry stood outside Taylor's bedroom door, listening for any sounds to indicate she was still alive in there. They glared at each-other subtly, as though really might burst through the door and scold them for not playing nicely.

"Taylor, honey. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Eva questioned, listening intently through the door.

But no reply came, instead, they heard the sounds of a door open, the tap running, and loud groan, which quickly turned into a scratching screech.

"Okay. Still alive." Eva confirmed.

They stayed for a while, trying to coax  Taylor out of her room before giving up and slinging down the door to sit outside it.

The pair sat in silence, neither willing to be the first to leave Taylor, but both unwilling to offer any communication. As a result, the stubborn pair stared at the cream walls opposite them, locked in a silent challenge of who could prove their love for Taylor more.

Eventually Eva took to staring at the ceiling light until it created green and purple patterns in the back of her eye, blinking quickly to watch them move across her feild of vision.
She repeated the action three or four times before Henry took note of the erratic behaviour.

"Are you having some sort of seizure? Can you stop it?" She grumbled, turning to face her for the first time in fourth three minutes.

Eva chuckled, stretching her arms out and getting up to pace up and down the carpeted landing. She was tempted to ignore him entirely, leaving the awkward silence to fester in the stuffy third floor hallway. 

"Why don't you just leave? Go fuck some Taylor substitute, a bottle blonde bitch who is actually interested in you." Her words had significantly more venom than she had intended, coming across beyond aggressively.

"You've got everything wrong Eva. I'm not sure what love triangle you've imagined, but nobody is challenging you for Taylor's affection.

She faltered, a warm flush rising in her cheeks as she was disarmed. But before she was able to think of a suitable comeback, Henry resumed talking, tapping softly on his knees as he did so.

"Maybe you're right, there will always be a place in my heart for Taylor, she has done a lot for me, but our never partaking in a relationship was a mutual decision. Taylor and I met a few months after I moved to New York, she was already a big star, and had been for five or six years, though mostly in the country music scene. She was hoping for a fresh start, and I was looking for my big break. We hit it off so well because of how sensitive we both are, we're the type to swirl around in other people's winds, and be knocked off course with the smallest critiques. Maybe I'm sounding cheesy, she could explain it better than me. I don't know.... We're mirror-balls.

Her and I, we reflect the light of others, following their demands and expectations. She's a beautifully strong woman, so creatively bold, but she's also easily knocked over, and so she attracts people who take advantage of that. We look after each-other, so it only seemed right that when her management forced her into a lavender marriage, I volunteered... and one of the things that has always united us, is our slight  preferences for the wrong sex.

I'm not bitter that you pushed me out of my bed, I'm cautious that you've dove head first into a situation that you aren't equipped for. I know you mean well, but the Taylor you've met... she's incredible, don't get me wrong, but that's only one part of her. She's been doing so well the last six months, I feel like she's finally understanding what it feels like to be herself, unapologetically.

As much as it may surprise you, I like you, but you don't want to see the Taylor that I've spent the last five years healing. I know I have no right to make judgments on your relationship, but I'm not going to disappear out of her life just because you're the jealous type." He stood up, not waiting for Eva to reply and knocked on Taylor's door to let her know he was going to come in.

He left Eva in the hallway, mulling over his words again and again. Had she been so caught up in her infatuation, that she didn't see Taylor is still struggling? She tried to think back and find moments when there was a sign that she may have missed, but struggled to see it. The brunette just didn't know the Taylor he talked about, this was all knew. But Eva was certain that she would be able to deal with whatever hardships came her way. No matter what, she would stand by Taylor.

Eventually, she took a deep breath and headed inside, unsure of what exactly she would find.

Upon opening the bedroom door, Eva was met with an empty room. She took note of the fact that the draws had been pulled open, with their contents spilling out slightly, some of which was on the floor.

The brunette could hear rustling coming from the en-suite, so she followed the sounds, through the door and into the brightly lit bathroom.

Taylor was sitting on the floor with her head in her hands and her knees up to her chest. Her face was red and splotchy and there were drying tracks of tears lining her cheeks, rimmed with traces of black mascara.

When she looked up, and made eye contact with Eva, Taylor began to laugh. "God I'm sorry. I needed a moment to be dramatic."
She held a hand up to Henry, which he grasped and pulled her up off the floor.

Taylor fixed her dress, pulling it down where it had risen, and took a deep breath.

Henry looked at her, frowning slightly. "Are you sure you're alright Taylor? I mean... it's okay if you need some more time." He took a step forward, brows furrowed, while Eva stayed in the corner of the room. It was clear to her that Henry knew Taylor better, she couldn't think what to do with herself, whether to stay or go, or talk or give her a hug.

Taylor shook her head vehemently. "I'm better now, I'm sorry it was just a minor blip. I shouldn't have gotten so emotional. There's nothing to be upset about."

Eva failed to hide the confusion on her face. "Sweetheart I don't think you're being honest with yourself here. It's okay that you feel hurt, they're... well your parents are horrible, and if I was you I wouldn't want to be anywhere near them either. And I'm not trying to be funny here, you just shut yourself in your room for nearly an hour crying."

Taylor nodded, slower, as though thinking her next words through carefully. "Yeah, I'm upset, but I'll be okay. I would really like it if we could all just go and watch a movie, I don't want to think about them anymore."

Henry conceded reluctantly, following Taylor to the living room and taking a seat as she put on a cheesy romcom he had never heard of. He made sure to leave a space for Eva, so that she would be able to sit next to Taylor, which she did.

They sat together in silence as the film played, Taylor leaning her head onto Eva's shoulder and cuddling into the shape of her body.

I want you to know
I'm a mirrorball
I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
I'll get you out on the floor
Shimmering beautiful
And when I break,
it's in a million pieces

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