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That's why they call me Juanita
When I get down I'm Bonita

Lana del Rey - Taco Truck

Taylor's fingertips brushed against the nape of Eva's neck as she pulled her in closer, savouring the feeling of her touch.
Eva was borderline mortified at what they were doing, but she let herself go, not wanting her inhibitions to ruin the moment.

The actress could hardly recognise herself as she reached under Taylor's thighs and pulled her closer.  Taylor's heart soared at the movement, feeling goosebumps across her arms.  She leaned in closer,  enjoying the soft breaths on her cheek.

The singer made the mistake of taking a moment to pull apart, and look at Eva.  She immediately questioned herself, wondering if she had read the whole situation wrong. "Is this okay? I don't-... I um..."

In all honesty Eva wasn't sure whether this was something she wanted to do, but the look of shame on Taylor's face and the feeling of the blonde's body on hers was enough for her to disregard that thought. "It's okay. It's... better thank just okay."  She leaned back in and connected their lips once again.

Taylor shifted forwards as their lips touched, to the point where she was practically sitting in Eva's lap.  Her hands slid down onto the actress's waist. "You are insanely beautiful."  She giggled, brushing a stray strand of hair behind Eva's ear.

"Are you kidding me? You're basically a sex icon" Eva had intended it as a compliment, but clearly Taylor disagreed, as she scrunched up her nose and laughed.


She grasped Eva's hand and led her up the stairs and into her bedroom. 

Eva backed Taylor into the room, her tongue dancing around the singer's mouth, and her hands tangled in her hair. They kept going until the back of Taylor's knees hit the bed and she collapsed into the sheets with a gasp.
"Fuck that's hot." Eva remarked at the sight of Taylor lying under her.

As Taylor started to remove the actress's clothes, she began to feel nervous. The only time Eva had ever done something with a woman, she had been incredibly drunk, she had no clue how to please Taylor.

"Have you ever done this before?" Eva asked, already knowing that she wouldn't like the answer.

Taylor bowed her head. "Um... it's not like, a regular thing for me. I'm more of a relationship person. But yeah, I've had one night stands before. Not that I'm saying I would never see you again or anything like that. I absolutely would. I mean... obviously only if you wanted to, and I know I don't know you that well yet so maybe I'm jumping the gun here but uhh... you're just really gorgeous. It like, hurts."

Eva laughed at Taylor's rambling, glad that she wasn't the only one that was nervous. It felt weirdly romantic, that they weren't just lusting for each-other.

"This is absolutely not me. So you're in charge, I have no clue how this is supposed to go."  Eva sat up.

Taylor blushed red. "Well I'm not usually in char- never mind. It's not hard, you just do what feels right."

Eva couldn't hold back any longer. "Enough talking." She pounced on Taylor, slipping her tongue back into the singer's mouth and pulling off her sweater.

Taylor moaned quietly as she felt Eva's hands on her breasts. "Hold on." She muttered, jumping up to dim the lights. The room darkened to the point where just enough light was left in order for the girls to be able to make each other out across the room.

"I can't have sex in a bright ass room." The blonde affirmed while removing Eva's clothing.

"Let me lead." She grabbed the brunette's thighs and pulled her down the bed, with her knees up, before parting them just enough to slip herself between them. The singer gave her one last glance, before leaning down to give Eva what she needed.

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