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They said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside they're push and shoving
You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
Taylor swift - sweet nothing

April 26th 1991

Eva sat on the floor of the living room in Taylor's penthouse in the west village. It was late into the evening, and both women had consumed copious amounts of alcohol, attempting to finish their game of scrabble, which had been started approximatly four hours ago. The delay had initially come about when Taylor had spilt her wine and Eva had tried to help her wipe it up. Within ten seconds she was pressed up against a wall. From there it only divulged into chaos, as they made out, and had sex, and made out, then had sex, before falling asleep.

And so now, They we're laying across Taylor's Persian rug, leaning over the board. Taylor, always having been exceptionally competitive, was fully engulfed in her game, rearranging the letters in a row several times in order to find as many combinations as possible.

She bit her lip and downed the last of her wine, getting ready to play her best word.

"Oh you're going down Marlow, I'm gonna crush you."
She licked her lip and grabbed the correct letters, forming the word DIABOLICAL with an existing 'c', 'o' and 'b'.

She smiled widely, before jumping up and running laps around the couch. "Yessssssssss!" She jumped up and down twice before running over to Eva, collapsing down and giving her a hug.

"Well done sweetheart. You officially have me beat." She returned the hug, before leaning back and kissing Taylor lightly on the nose.

"My spelling bee champion over here." She straddled Taylor's lap.

In response the blonde nodded fervently. "Yep, third through eighth grade." She scrunched up her nose.

Eva was about to suggest they head to bed, the alcohol leaving her with a drowsiness, when Taylor jumped up.
"My beautiful lover, would you care to give your champion one dance?"

She held her hand out theatrically, holding on to Eva's and pulling the brunette up so that she stood slightly over her.
"How could I possibly deny you a reward?"
She spun Taylor around once before running over to the couch.

The brunette pushed the couch to the side and moved the coffee table over, so that they would have a decent sized space to move.

Taylor giggled, stunning over to the stereo set, picking up her favourite Diana Ross vinyl and very ungraciously placing it in the record player. After a few failed attempts, she got the music playing.

The blonde ran across the room and kept into Eva's arms, allowing herself to eve picked up and swayed around several times before dropping back to the floor.

Her harms were wrapped tightly around the taller girl, in her hair and around her back, pulling Eva as close as she could.

The actress allowed her own hands to fall down to Taylor's waist, swaying them both from side to side. She leant in and breathed in Taylor's perfumed sent as deeply as she could. "You smell so fucking amazing."

They held each other close, swaying and spinning around in the darkness. "This has been the most amazing three weeks of my life." Eva whispered into Taylor's ear, causing the singer to grin widely.

"I couldn't agree more."

The following day, both girls stood in Eva's kitchen, preparing a chicken curry for dinner. They had invited Maja over, so that she could meet Taylor for the first time.

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