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Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins
So you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good god, let me give you my life
Take me to church - Hozier

Thursday 16th May 1991 -

Eva tried her hardest to forget what she had seen. She was aware that it wasn't information Taylor had given willingly, though it had been an accident, and the brunette was unsure as to how Taylor would respond if she brought up the topic.

After all, they had only known one another for a month now, and there was still a lot of territory that was uncharted in their relationship.

So she kept it to herself for the next few weeks, allowing their dynamic to evolve naturally, and trying to overlook the underlying issues that were starting to arise.

Moreover, her issues with Henry had been worsening, as he had returned home. Though Eva understood that she was the intrusion, she was still deeply frustrated with his constant presence, and the way that he talked to Taylor.

Henry and Taylor had been a team for years, long before they had been married, and Eva had the suspicion that there may be some feelings on his end that Taylor did not reciprocate. It was in his mannerisms, the way that he would always turn to check on Taylor every time they went out, how he touched her shoulder or back when they saw one another, and the way he would kiss her cheek.

It was beginning to become unbearable to watch, especially since the entire world was under the impression that him and Taylor were happily married. In some ways, she supposed they were.

Taylor had promised right from the start that she and Henry would end any intimate relationship that they had, that she wouldn't sleep in a bed with him or show him affection outside of contractual obligations. But it was barely enough to satiate Eva's jealousy.

Equally, Henry seemed to be slightly cold towards Eva. She wasn't sure whether is had anything to do with her stealing his wife, but it was unnerving nevertheless.

Despite this, they had been able to settle into somewhat of a regime, in which Eva would wake up first each morning and make breakfast, leaving some in the pan for Henry and bringing up hers and Taylor's. Then, Henry would go for a run and Eva would try to gently wake Taylor up so she could get ready for work, whether that be recording, meetings or interviews. Then she would leave and Eva would be waiting for her when she got back. They would eat dinner together some nights, depending on whether Taylor had cooked, since she would typically do so for all of them.

Today was no different. Eva had started the day by making breakfast and had sent Taylor off the the Studio while she looked through some scripts her agent had sent over, and Henry sat in the garden reading. 

The weather was unusually warm for May, accompanied by a slight breeze that brought with it a serenity.

Eva was sat at the dining room table, scrolling through her emails when the doorbell rang.

She looked across the room at the stylised clock that sat upon the fireplace and saw that it was only just passed midday, much earlier than Taylor typically returned from work.

She closed her laptop and brushed her hair over her shoulder, fixing it quickly in a mirror in the foyer before going to open the door.

She was greeted by an older couple, a tall man  dressed in a shirt and pair of beige slacks, with his hand on the shoulder of a much shorter woman. They appeared relaxed and warm, both with subtle smiles, and yet a sense of unease washed over Eva.

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