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It takes all that I've got
Not to fuck this up
So won't you let me know
If I'm not alone?
Leaning on you

HAIM - leaning on you

Monday 6th May 1991 -

In the first few weeks of their official relationship, Taylor and Eva had been living as though it was their last day on earth. The girls had become hopelessly enthralled with one another, abandoning their realities to live encircled within the magic of their relationship, it felt perfect. They had started every day waking intertwined, limbs woven together as one, and had closed themselves off from the outside world. Taylor had been ignoring any calls from her management team, resorting to unplugging the phone when Tree became relentless. As far as the two girls were aware, their cover shoot had been a success, but there was no desire to be public with their affection, or in public at all.

Taylor had begun to write about their relationship, finding herself to be alone only in the early hours of the morning, after Eva had fallen asleep in her lap and she had attempted to carry her to bed. In fact, this was entirely impossible, with the older girl being quite a bit taller than herself, and with a softer figure that allowed her a good thirty pounds on taylor. As a result, she was nearly squashed by the brunette and was forced to wake her up so that she could go to bed herself.

Despite Taylor's best attempts to fall asleep at Eva's side, she knew it wouldn't come until at least 4am, and so the singer pattered downstairs and sat by the piano, basking in the quiet of the night and a peace in her heart that she was rarely able to feel.

"... you can see it with the lights out... lights out..... You're in love." she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, her heart was so far ahead of her that her logic couldn't keep up. It was surely too soon to be feeling the things that she was feeling, but Taylor had always been one to fall hard and fast. It was yet to work out well for her, but she had faith.

The next day was one of the biggest events of the year, the Met Gala, which both girls had been invited to. They had decided that Taylor would bring Henry, as was planned several months ago, but that she and Eva would be able to  spend most of the evening together anyway.

So, once 3am rolled around, Taylor decided that she really should be getting to bed, as tomorrow would be an extremely long day.

When she awoke, her face was being peppered with light kisses, and the smell of coffee filled the room. "Good morning mon chou." Eva grinned, causing Taylor to open her eyes and gaze back confused.

"Is that French? I didn't know you could speak french." She sat up in bed, embarrassed to have missed something so significant about her lover.

Eva laughed. "No love, I just really like pet names so I googled ones from different languages and that was one of my favourites. I do speak Spanish though, poorly. It was how I got the job in Alicante, since I had to live there for a year while filming."

Taylor could barely keep up, barely awake as she rubbed the sleep out of her eye. "Hold on, I didn't know you speak spanish. What did that even mean anyway?"

Eva took a moment to think over whether she should lie or not, coming to the conclusion that the truth was much funnier. "I think it means 'my cabbage'. Isn't it cute? You kind of look like a cabbage right now." She grabbed the sides of Taylor's cheeks and jokingly squashed up her face as though she was a baby.

"Fuck ooffff." Taylor moaned, though giving away her smile nonetheless.

Eva chuckled, seeing that Taylor wasn't going to be getting out of bed any time soon.

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