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Hi guys.

Nana here.

I know everyone is really excited for the next chapter since it's Choi Han's test finally and I am working hard to try and fulfill all your expectations for this chapter. However, rn I am busy taking care of my elder sister who is down with dengue. Since we are in a seperate state than our parents, I am her primary caretaker which has left me with no time to work on this chapter.

I don't want to half ass it so I am choosing to delay it instead until I have enough time to work on it fully. Thank you for your understanding.

On this note I would also like to mention that I will be closing my twitter account - @/bote_not_tbate since a couple people seem to think they have the right to message me there and bash me for not updating on time. I won't release the pics as they are clearly young kids as indicated by their profiles but I just want to clarify-

I am writing this fic for free. I don't get paid for this, i don't receive any kind of benefit, it won't help me in the future. I started this for my own satisfaction and will continue with this fic as long as it is feasible for me. I appreciate all the love and support I have received thanks to this fic and I love all of you to no end so I hope such incidents won't repeat in the future because that will really sour the experience of writing this fic.

Thank you once again for reading and supporting BOTE. I hope I can return to this fic soon and with good news and updates.

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