Chapter 18

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Hello guys! Nana here.

I have decided to not react to each and every chapter from now on. It's tiring and quite boring. So I will be moving to more important and interesting chapters from now on. This chapter is a link between the old chapters and the new ones.

I won't say much now. I just hope you like this.


It took a while for everyone to finish talking. Since most of the information would be revealed later anyway and it was important to know the context for each piece of information, aside from loosely building alliances and sorting out differences, nothing much happened inside the booths.

Beacrox took this opportunity to feed the kids food from the spatial bag he always carried on him and made them all take a nap. Thankfully, the kids didn't protest much, as the sudden onslaught of emotions and information had tired them all out.

When Cale* emerged from the booth with Deruth*, he saw Kim Rok Soo returning to his seat from the direction of the other version of the Henituse family. The expressions on the faces of the family members showed that something similar to Cale*'s conversation with his family had taken place.

"Oh," noticing Cale* returning, the older man waved. "Have a good conversation?"

"Who are you talking to like that, old man?" Cale* scoffed at the exceedingly informal tone aimed at him. 

"Haaa. Kids these days are really disrespectful. Back in my days—aish!" Unfortunately Kim Rok Soo had to cut his narration short due to a kick to his shin.

Before he could retaliate, Deruth* intervened. "Now, now. You both shouldn't fight like this. As brothers, you both need to get along well." 

Twin pairs of reddish brown eyes focused on him. 

"Why is this punk my brother?"

"I already have a wonderful brother, I don't need another." Basen* flushed with pleasure at Cale*'s words. After all, those words were something he had never thought he would be able to hear from Cale*. Just the fact that Cale* was peeking to see Basen*'s reaction after what he said showed how much effort the redhead was putting into reconnecting with his family.

"Oh?" The sly smirk on Kim Rok Soo's face made chills run down Cale*'s spine. "Seems like you did have a good conversation with everyone? Did you reveal just how much of a fool you are for your family?"

The way Cale*'s face immediately turned bright red was a fascinating sight. "Wh-what are you talking about? Why would I be—"

Just like he had cut off Kim Rok Soo earlier, Cale* was cut off this time as the older man calmly used the younger as a hand rest before turning to Basen* and Lily*. "Don't believe this idiot if he tries to act cool. You have no idea how many nights he spent practicing with a pillow on how to hold babies after Lily* was born."

"Kim Rok Soo!!!" 

Said man quickly regained his balance as Cale* ducked out of the hold, abd picked up a cushion from the couch, before throwing it at Kim Rok Soo, who caught it without any difficulty. "No need to be so shy, Cale*. After all, doesn't this show that you are a very caring hyung-nim?"

While there was nothing wrong with his words, the sleazy look on Kim Rok Soo's face makes Cale* feel slightly sick. Thankfully, Deruth* is there to handle the situation. "If Cale* did all that, then doesn't that mean you did it too, Rok Soo?"

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