Chapter 9

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As everyone waited for the next chapter of the viewing to start, Raon, On and Hong moved closer to the bubble Cale was kept in.

They had been perched close to the thing and would periodically paw and rub their bodies against it, as if comforting Cale.

Just as Raon was moved closer towards Cale's head, bumping into the bubble, for the first time since they appeared in the hall, the bubble showed a reaction.

"Raon! On! Hong!"

Eruhaben jumps out of his seat, mana swirling as he pulls the children towards himself. Everyone carefully observes the bubble and the sleeping man inside it, ready to defend Cale from anything and everything.

Suddenly space warps in a familiar manner and Choi Jung Soo appears. Placing a hand on the bubble, he calms everyone down.

"Cale is fine, don't worry. The bubble prevented any external powers from entering his body so the healing could get through the initial phase easily. His soul is more stable now so we are able to remove the bubble."

A black smoke, reeking of the God of Death's power, covered Choi Jung Soo's hand. Waving it over Cale slowly, he nods a few times then turns back towards the rest of the people gathered around him.

"I will come back from time to time to check on Cale and make sure he is not facing any issues. Miss Cage and Jack-nim, I would be grateful if you could also keep an eye on him, in case I am unable to react fast enough."

"As a mercenary of the God of Death, shouldn't you be aware of something going wrong more than us?" Choi Han asks.

Choi Jung Soo smiles wryly. "That would be the case if the problem was on the Gods' side. You all are well aware of what a trouble loving gremlin Cale is. We want to avoid him waking up too soon into the process so he doesn't fuck around and find out to what extent he can hurt himself. Basically what I am asking of you is to knock him out if he tries to wake up."

Surprised by the sudden proclamation, no one speaks.

"Will that be okay though? I don't think young master would like it." Saint Jack remembered the numerous times Cale had gotten hurt and still acted like it was not serious. To Jack, it seemed like Cale had a lot of pride and hated letting anyone see his healing process. To force someone like him…."Maybe we should ask him about this first?"

"I understand why you are worried, Saint-nim. But I have also known Cale for a while and I know from experience that that idiot is dumber than a rock when it comes to caring about himself. He will definitely refuse all this because of his hatred for Gods and we can't let that happen."

Unable to refute this argument, Jack and Cage agreed, moving closer to Cale who was still floating in air.

Choi Jung Soo guides Cale down towards a large reclining chair and Raon pulls out a blanket and soft cushions from his spatial bag.

Once Cale had been dealt with, Jung Soo teleports to the front of the screen and addresses them. "Since the viewing seems to be taking pretty long, we are going to cut off some unimportant parts and move faster. We can't hold you here for long."

With that, he is gonna again, just as suddenly as he had appeared.

Chapter 9: Picked It Up (2)

Cale held a bag that was twice the size of yesterday’s bag as he headed back up to the top of the slums. The two siblings were there to greet him once again.

The children kept their mouth shut as they looked toward Cale. Cale smiled as he took out two small bags and pushed them toward the children.

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