Chapter 33

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Chapter 734

# Pushing forward too rashly (4)

Cale had headed for Alberu’s bedroom immediately after waking up and getting ready in order to act as the prince’s close confidant and only attendant.

While everyone was looking at Cale amazed at how dedicated he was to his role, Alberu felt a chill crawl up and down his spine. Every single time Cale had tried to help him, the Prince had received a new set of nightmares along with it.

'...Is it going to be nightmares about scary people trying to kill me, this time? Last time was Raon-nim destroying the whole world because of that party. Before that was the Henituse family carrying my head on a spike because one of the Princesses sent a marriage proposal to Cale through secret means…'

Feeling his mental state crumble away, Alberu wondered if being Emperor was worth it all.

However, Alberu was not there and Cale naturally searched around for him.

He was not in the bedroom, the study, and showed no signs of having left the palace.

As a result, he headed for the basement training ground. He came with a towel, a cold bottle of water, and a cup.

Cale was amazed at himself.

‘I'm working so hard.’

Wouldn’t crown prince Alberu who was probably standing outside the temple be touched if he knew about this?

Shedding imaginary tears, Alberu wanted to yell at Cale to stop. Because they all knew what kind of treatment Cale would face after doing so much for the Prince.

However, he was powerless to stop the viewing and so the poor Prince could just watch Cale sign Alberu's death sentence while Cale's people sent dirty looks to Alberu.

Cale was proud of himself as he walked into the basement training ground when he immediately ran into Alberu’s viciousness.

‘...How much do you know about me?’

Alberu pulled back his spear and asked Cale what he was plotting after seeing the towel and bottle of water in Cale’s hands.

Sui Khan noticed the small sigh of relief the Prince gave at the quick resolution of the situation and hid a smirk behind his hand.

If the now-young boy knew anything about Cale, he could say with certainty that Alberu's troubles were far from over. After all, Cale hadn't achieved his goal yet.

"Haaa, really who did he learn to be so troublesome from?"

Choi Jung Soo pinned Sui Khan with a disbelieving glare. He couldn't understand how the person who readily joined all of Cale's schemes, and was the one asking for such schemes to be made quite often, was now questioning Cale's trouble making tendencies.

'Well, it's not like I can reproach him. Kim Rok Soo shouldn't have made such good schemes if he didn't want people to follow. In a way, he is the one who corrupted us.'

Nodding at his self justification, Choi Jung Soo peacefully brushed this topic out of his mind. There was no need to bother about it as long as Cale wasn't making Choi Jung Soo the target of his schemes.

"It's fine as long as it's not me~"

Cale stopped thinking about how things had ended up like this and looked at Alberu. What Cale had said just now...

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