She tied the woman up on a chair making sure she can't go anywhere and kept quiet too. "this is such a bother. . . I wanted this to be over with straight away. ." She said to no one in particular.

"Would be so good if life turned out like that." Izuru commented.

Luniar nodded her head as she noticed a car pulling up she hid behind the door and waited for the man too walk in. When he did she made him go unconscious and tied him too a chair that was positioned opposite his wife.

She got out some needles and waited for the man to wake up. Izuru was looking at them and waited too. Meanwhile he took Luniar's phone. "You sure you want to record this. . ? I could always lean it against something. ." She spoke up.

"No it's fine. . . I got it." Izuru said back to her.

This was when the man finally started to wake up and looked around the place he noticed Luniar and started to struggle only stopping when he finally saw his wife sat opposite him. His eyes widened and looked directly at Luniar.

"You two said and I quote 'Making your daughter feel helpless is a good thing, as she will remember that feeling' right? That's what you said? . . . Well I'm going to show you what truly being helpless and pathetic is. ." Luniar said.

Holding up a needle in one hand and a knife in the other. "W-what are you going to do?!" He asked.

Luniar put the needle into the woman, without any hesitation. "Did you know mixing some drugs can turn it into a really powerful nerve enhancement? It's amazing what it can do and how well it can work." Luniar spoke up.

As soon as she said that and finished putting the liquid from the needle into the woman's arm, she only gently poked the woman. She started to scream as her entire body felt like it was being stabbed.

"NO!!" The man shouted after seeing his wife scream from the pain.

"I only poked her gently and she's crying. . Can you imagine the pain if I actually stabbed her? . . . Don't bother I'll show you." Luniar said and twirled the knife in her hand.

"No don't! Please don't!" The man said to her.

Luniar stopped and looked at him. "Yeah your right. . . That's going too far. ." She said to him.

Once he heard that the man sighed with relief and then gave a small smile knowing his wife would be okay. "Then again." As soon as he heard Luniar's words he looked up and witnessed Luniar stabbing his wife through the arm.

Once again she let out a scream of pain and broke down crying. She couldn't even clench her fist as it would hurt a lot. Luniar looked around the room and then looked at the man Infront of her. He kept begging and pleading with her not to hurt his wife but each time he did Luniar would make think she wouldn't too only stab his wife more.

"I think she got a lot of wounds. . . We don't do something and she will die. ." Luniar commented on the situation.

"Your a heartless Bitch!" The man shouted.

". . . Really? Instead of killing her straight away I gave you two more time with eachother. . Oh my bad. . I guess I should have just done this." Luniar said.

As soon as she said those words she swung her arm making the blade go right through the wife's neck, her decapitated head falling straight too the floor.

As Luniar looked over to the man all she could see in his eyes and face was nothing but despair. Tears rolling down his face as he looked at his wife's lifeless body still strapped too the chair and her head on the floor.

"You really was helpless wasn't you? Too bad your wife probably wanted you too save her too. . . If only you didn't encourage my parents to make me do those things, you might still get too keep your life." Luniar said to him.

The man had no response and didn't even move, his vision still on his wife. Luniar nodded her head as she chopped off his head too. "I hope you have the worst afterlife." She said while finishing decapitating him as well.

Izuru stopped the filming and handed Luniar back her phone. She took it and that's when they both made their way back to different locations. .

But done the same thing.

Holy damn that took forever to write up, it actually took me 2-3 days to write all this up. Anyway Luniar showing how she is one of the masterminds behind the tragedy well showing the clips she used anyway.

Next chapter will be the last one because I can't be bothered and I did say 20 chapters the minimum soooo this fits as I will be wrapping up it all next chapter.

Thanks as always

Bye for now

To be continued!

Despair highschool Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon