That session was so much easier when we now had somewhat more equal strength. The technique is to use the attackers' strength against themselves, so that worked right in my hand. Then on the other hand I wanted him close to me, and that was my weakness. His appearance still made my skin tingle and my breathing pick up, and the thought of him close to me made me ache for him straight to the core of me.

Anna still won over Damon who didn't know the technique, even if she didn't have his strength, but between Damon and me; I was totally superior.

   * * * * *

I had the thought that once you've been turned, you wouldn't have any desire for food anymore, but I noticed that a good steak and salad still smelled as delicious as it had ever done; in fact even better with these enhanced senses.

Anna was relieved by this and all five of us got to the Grill for a meal. Delighted, she found Matt working that day. "Why haven't any girl snatched him?" She hissed.

We both looked over at Elena who watched him with peculiar eyes.

"I mean, he's hot!" Anna continued and she and I giggled. "And those blue eyes." She rolled her eyes in a heavenly gesture.

Matt appeared by our table. "Hi, I haven't seen you since you got human again." He said to Elena and gave her a weak smile. "And I heard that you're...not?" He added in my direction.

She and I shared a look and I smiled. "It was time for a shift." I said and noted how a scent surrounded him, swirling and seductive. Suddenly Damon put his arm around me and I turned surprised to him.

"Think of something else!" He said and in the pale blue pools of his eyes I could see my own face being reflected. I had dark eyes and grey veins was about to show on my face. He took a grip around my chin and gave me a deep kiss, making me forget about the swirling seductive scent of blood that surrounded this table.

"Hrmp..." Somebody harrumphed, breaking our kiss off. Matt looked at us with badly hidden amusement as he wanted to know our orders. "Still at it?" He joked.

"Yes!" Several of the others around the table sighed exasperated and I felt a rage building inside me. Damon gripped my shoulders hard before I had the chance to do anything.

"What?" I snapped.

He smirked at me. "You know exactly what!" And I did; the rage that almost overpowered me subsided at once and I calmed down. "See... there you go!" He had the appreciative tone I had heard a lot of during this training; the class of how to deal with my new life.

A bit embarrassed I gave him a weak smile. "Thank you." I mumbled.

When the food arrived I relished in all my new way to enjoy flavours. "I thought I wouldn't enjoy food this way, but I have never tasted a better hamburger." I said delightful, making the others chuckle. "I will probably be known as the only fat vamp ever..." I added tart.

"I promise to burn off those calories later." Damon whispered in my ear, making my whole body tingle.

The next second my mind was drifting off in a pool of fragrance from the girls walking by us and I turned my head toward them.

"Lemons?" I turned toward Damon who instantly got that proud look again.

"Well done! That's Vervaine, and we don't want that."

"Wow, can you feel it that easy?"

"Usually not...they must have bathed in it." Stefan replied, even if he wasn't in our private conversation at all. Surprised I turned to look at him, and realised how Anna and Elena hadn't noticed Stefan's comment at all.

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