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"Meditation?" Charlie scoffs, settling next to me with his legs crossed. "If I'd known this was what you had in mind, I would've fucked you in the operating theater."

Frowning, I throw an annoyed glance toward Charlie, but he simply smiles back. The annoying ass is sitting next to me with a beer in one hand and my thigh in the other. As the silence stretches between us, his hand moves higher, aiming to fall to my pussy.

"I know the perfect remedy to clear your head, princess," he whispers, "spread your legs and I'll show you."

"And what is your solution?" I roll my eyes and knock his wandering hand away. "Let me guess: more sex?"

"What's wrong with more sex?"

I pretend I don't hear his question and shut my eyes. He doesn't speak again, and he doesn't touch me. Charlie Hendrix, the man who spends too much of his time driving me crazy, lapses into the comfortable silence amicably. I'm stunned, but it's what I need.

Slowly, I relax my muscles and then let the weight of the last 24 hours roll off of me.

Someone attacked us three times, we flew halfway across the planet and Michael nearly died. I'd lost access to one of my favorite homes and memories I cannot hope to ever replace. Even though we beat back those men, I feel like we lost.

I'm still no closer to finding out who they work for and the longer we take to discover it, the more out of control I feel. If the guys don't know and Iris can't figure it out, what hope do we have to prevent future attacks? How do we eventually get a peaceful life?

"How's she doing?" Chris asks.

I peek at him with one eye, watching as he comes across the gym barefoot. The sweatpants he wears leave nothing to the imagination, and I go from watching quietly to wanting to do precisely as Charlie suggested. The unintended side effects of the link upgrade aren't helping either.

Charlie chuckles but doesn't answer Chris' question. Instead, he scoots closer to me. The heat from his skin combined with the sharp fresh scent of his cologne brings goosebumps to my skin. I shiver, groaning low in my throat.

"Fuck..." Charlie's curse is deep, dark, and piggybacking on the emotions turning me inside out. "I can feel how badly you want us to fuck you. Why are you fighting it, princess?"

"Because I need to uplink, and the only way to do so is with a clear mind," I argue, slipping away to give myself room.

Unfortunately, Charlie doesn't give me an inch and I find us plastered back together in less than a second. Chris sits on my other side, just as close, squeezing me between the pair of them. I've never not wanted and wanted to be touched by anyone so much in my life.

"You wouldn't be at odds with yourself if you'd let inside," Charlie promises. "You know how it is when we fuck, Blue. You don't need to do this meditation stuff to get a clear head."

Turning toward him, I narrow my eyes. "You don't know that."

"I know you're trying too hard and this won't work if you're stressed."

I moan, arching my back as his hand climbs from my waist to my side and higher to cup my left breast. Gently, he tugs and flicks my nipple until it hardens. Chris does the same, softly rubbing my other nipple in time with Charlie's tugs.

"Please... please..."

Begging and pleading is not the best idea I've had tonight, but the five letter word slips out, anyway. Charlie shifts behind me as Chris kneels in front. Chris' lips catch mine in a scorching kiss, seducing me into a web of desire that threatens to drown me.

The Six: Genesis | A Reverse Harem NovelWhere stories live. Discover now