Us or them

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At Perth's house.

Chimon called everyone at the early morning everyone become so tensed when he call them at realy, realy early. They all are sitting on the coach listing to Chimon. He explined his dream that seems a fictional story but after what happened with them earlier they believe him.

E : You are telling that you have power.

C : Me chai. I not that what you see. I don't know I did that it's like someone else was in me.

D : Should we talk to Uncle Ohm?

M : Maybe.

Jm : No first find out what happen, tonight if he get another nightmare?

Fr : Yeah Jimmy is right. Dunk also get more than 2 nightmare right?

Jn : Right.

P : Then what to do?

G : Wait?

B : Yes.

Everyone agreed to wait until tomorrow as Jimmy think that happen Chimon get a another nightmare.

Two boy was holding hand looking into each other eyes.

"I love you you know that"

"We can't you are my boss"

"I don't care"

"Do you know that Phi don't want to regect but"

"No but, I love you"

"What if anyone know about it"

"It's my teretory Phi Chet"


"That's mean?"

"We are together"

The slowly bend to each other to kiss. As they kiss Yod and Chet turn into Perth and Chimon.

Chimon wake up from his sleep.

"P'Mon. Nightmare again?"

"Are ....we? I a...amm I?"

"What?" Perth is so confused at Chimin's sudden words and also woreied about his boyfriend.

"Are you...Yod?"

"Huh? What are you saying"

"Am I Chet?"


"I see they turn into us."


"Chai Lets go to Uncle Ohm"


"Yes lets go"

Chimon get up from bed grab Perth's hand and start to run. Perth took his bike and went to meet Ohmnon.

O : I don't know what are you saying?

N : Stop it Ohm.

C : What the meaning of that just say the uncle.

N : Yes you are right.

P : You mean I am Yod.

C : Is it posible?

O : You will remember everything but you have to find out why you kill your own family. I mean Yen or Den wasn't on your father side.

P : I can't understand anything. If I reborn then why I can't remember anything?

N : Stay with each other spend your time you will remember.

O : Go on a vacation at your grandfathers house.

C : You mean at Kanchiburi?

N : Yes.

P : Why?

O : Cause you meet their.

C : Us?

P : Yodchet.

C : Ok.

Perthchimon come back to their house. It's too late at night but Chimon can't sleep. He look at Perth who is also awake.

"Thinking of that?"

"If I am Yod then why I don't remember?"

"I also don't right?"

"But I love you then how can I forget you?"

"What? You remember about you. No right then why you might remember me?"

"Why? I don't care if I remember myself or not how can I forget the love of my life"

"Stop it I don't need the love of Yod if I am Chet. I want the love Perth to his Chimon"

"Perth love Chimon na"

"Chimon love Perth too"

Next day.

Perth Chimon went to the university. Sitting in the canteen talking with everyone. Told them that they want a vacation in Kanchiburi and everyone agreed to go.

After 2 days. Not Chimon not anyone of them get any Nightmare. They are in Kanchiburi now. They got out from their cars and all the cute boys scream in wonder. How can a place be so beautiful! The hot boys watching their boyfriend from a far.

Mix told everyone to come at the sea but the hot boys decline so they went alone. They got onto sae and start to play. Throwing water at each other making someone fall at the water laughing all together make their boyfrineds forget the world. But Earth remeber that they should go to their hostel. Everyone one was coming uo but Chimon was still there.

Perth look at chimon playing with water like a baby. He went to him. Infrom his friend that they will tag letter.

Pertg was staring at Chimon when he see the moment similar. He can't remember but he see that before. He close his eyes and a boy come infron of him. He don't know who is he. He open his eyes and saw Chimon was still playing.

He called Chimon but Chimon didn't hear to him so he went to him carry him to their room. Put him on the bed and hovers on him.

"Want to play, play with me here"

"Ai Perth I am wet"

"I don't care"

"Ah. The bed will be wet too"

"Let it be"

"Leave me and let me take shower. If you want to then tag along with me"

Chimon push Perth and left to bathroom. Perth know what he mean so he follow him.

                                       TO BE CONTINUE

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