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Dunk pov.

We reached in uni. I saw everyone are waiting for us. I run to P'Mix and hug him. I am feeling so weird, I can't explane this feelings. As I hug him everyone also join us. We break the hug and P'Book suggest us to go in canteen. We have a seat and as ussual everyone start to scream. We take our food. Again the girls start to scream I look at the entrance of course the hot boys.

Then like always I start to observe everyone. Joong, Pond , First and Perth are not with them. I look at P'Mix he is staring at P'Earth. P'Earth doing the same. Sometimes I feel like they are something. I notice someone is blussing. I look at the younger two Gem is flirting with Fot by his eye and Fot is blussing like hell. P'Book is scrolling trowgh his insta. P'Sea is reading a book and someone is staring at him none other than P'Jiimy. P'Force is eating his food peacefuly.

Again a scream louder than the other two time. The other four are coming. But wait who is this girl? A hot and cute girl warping her hand around First's hand. I notice that Kao become a little sad after saw this. They sit infront of us. Pond and Phuwin are staring at each other looking like they are talking through the eyes, too cute. First is talking with that girl. This girl, she is behaving like a kid infront of them. She look at us her glaze changed specially when she look at Kao. What's her problem?

My glaze fall on Joong. He is looking at me I never saw this glaze in his eyes before. A sweet one. I start to notice Perth and Chim they both are typing, maybe they are talking with each other who knows.

The girl start behave more childish and giving a angry glaze to Kao. Kao is looking sad and more sad it's like he will gonna cry soon. I think he likes First. Just a day made our feelings changes towards them. Each of us feel someting else than the other time. Maybe we fall for them. I can't take this anymore. I stand up took P'Mix hand went to P'Earth told him to come with us. I can feel someone is following us and I know who is it.

Earth : What happened Dunk?

Mix : Why you took us here?

Me : Who is that girl?

Joong : Why do you care?

Me : Hey. Just answer me.

Mix : Why? You like her?

Me : Ai sat Phi. She is too weird. My choice is much mature.

Earth : She likes First. Even she is First's cousin.

Me : Does First like him?

Joong : No way he is gay.

Me : Ok thats it. You can go now. P'Mix I have something to say.

Joong : Say infront of us.

Me : No I am not.

Mix : Just say it.

Me : I think Kao like him.

Mix : I also feel that.

Joong : First like Khaotung then there's no pronlem.

Earth : There is.

Joong : What?

Earth : Meen.

Me : Who is it now?

Mix : First's cousine.

Me : How do you know?


Me : And one more thing What's the relation between you two?

Joong : I also want to know.

Earth : Tell them ?

Mix : No..

Me : What do you think we are that stupid?

Joong : Yes just admite that you are dating.

Earth,Mix : Ok we are.

Me : Ok ok no more question. I am giving you the time to say it to everyone.

Joong : Oh P'Earth. We were thinking of going to that house again.

Earth : What?

Me : Lets go back I will tell everything to everyone.

We get back to P'Earth's house. I explane everything. And someone scream no one just Meen. I hate her right now. We didn't give attention to her and continue our meeting.

Kao : We should go back right?

First : Yes. We should Kao.

Meen : His name is Khaotung right? Why you call him Kao?

Me: That's not your problem.

Meen : Too childish he is.

Kao : I am going back to home.

First : Ok I will drop you.

Kao : No need.

First : But..

Kao : Take care of your girlfriend.

Meen : He is grown man he can go alone.

First : Be quite meen. You are more older than him so stop behave like a kid.

Meen : But First.

Phuwin : Can you leave this house Meen.

Meen : Why?

Pond : Cause he want to.

First : Meen take my car and pls leave. I don't want to hear anything.

Meen : I will see you Khaotung.* Left the house*

Kao : Why your girlfriend is such a bitch? And what's her problem with me?

First : She is not my girlfriend. Lets talk about her letter. Dunk complete your story.

I start to say again.

Gem : Should we go back ?

Me : Yes we have to.

Book : It's dengerous.

Force : When start to scared by this type of things?

Jimmy : No more discution we are going there tommrow.

Earth : Then stay here toningt.

Mix : Get the dresses from the waredrop room. Maybe we have all size of clothes for you.

Perth : How do you know Phi. And We???

                                      TO BE CONTINUE

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