go back or not

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They back to University. Everyone is too quite. No one talking so Chimon break the silence.

Chimon : I want to ask something?

Sea : What?

Chimon : Don't you feel weird?

Book : About waht?

Chimon : The house. What happened there.

Pond : No. Ajarn said that it was planed.

Perth : I don't think everything was.

Force : What do you mean nong?

Perth : That what we saw.

Phuwin : What you saw?

Chimon : We told you about the room incident.

Kao : But nothing happened with us.

Fourth : But P'Dunk is also saying he saw a boy.

Gem : The boy even talked with them right?

First : You believe in ghost in 2023.

Jimmy : Don't think too much it was nothing.

Chimon : How you can say phi. What happened with us also with them that can't be just a mistake.

Pond : Look you are daydreaming.

Chimon : We are not.

The fight start between to groups but this time not like the other times. Chim, Perth, Gem Fourth they think that there was something but the others don't. Earth and Mix are not here they went to talk with Ajarn. Whenever any fight happened between this two team it's always Dunk and Joong who ened up with beating each other but this time both of them are too quite. The short one is sitting on breanch at the corner and the Tall one is leaning on a wall with looking at his shoes thinking that whaaat he the boy acually said. The short one finally speak " I am going to rest room. "

Everyone looked at him in a weird expression Dunk left the place and Joong followed him. It's more confusing for them that they are quite.

Phuwin : I don't think they are joking.

Book : Right Phu. Why they are going to lie about this type of things?

Force : That's true but.

Jimmy : What?

Force : Nothing.

Sea : It's not reliable.

Pond : Yes it's not.

Kao : But phi think na just not one four of us who said that something happened that's not normal.

First : Still kao.

Earthmix come back to them.

Earth : Are you still thinking about that house?

Gem : Khab phi.

Mix : Ok we will talk about it letter its almost 8 lets go back to home.

Chimon : I will wait for Dunk you go.

Perth : I am also. P'Joong is not here.

Pond : Ok then Phu let me give you a ride our condo are near to each other right?

Phuwin : Yes.

First : Let me join you.

Phuwin : Kao you also coming with us.

Kao : Ok.

Earth : Mix gem fot lets go.

Jimmy : Force need a ride.

Sea : Come with me.

Jimmy : Ok ter.

Sea : Ter your dad.

Book : Bye everyone.

Everyone : Bye.

Perthchimon is waiting for Joongdunk.


Dunk pov.

I am washing mt hand after that I look at the mirror. I saw something is written there. "Don't". I step back in fear and about to fall closed my eyes but I feel aa arm around my waist. I open my eyes look at that person.


"Are you all right?"

" Yes but "

"What" *I pointed at the mirror* "What the fuck"

"What should we do?"

"I don't know"

"Should we tell this to Ajarn?"


"Then what ?"

"Lets go back there tomorrow"

"Are you serious Joong?"

"Yes. Lets take Perth and Chimon also"

"I am not sure we should go or not"

"For now lets go outside or you want stay here"

We come outside Chim and Perth are waiting for us. We told them about to go back that house and they agreed. Are they crazy. Whatever we come back to home not ours at Joong and Perth's. I didn't feel like staying alone so decied to stay at their place.

We had our dinner and went to sleep in different rooms. I layed on the bed looking at the seling suddenly I feel like someone is beside me. I look aat each side but there is no one. Now I am scared so I went to Chim's room but he is not there. "I can't stay alone. Should I go to Joong?" I decied to go in Joong's room. I knock on the door and heard his voice saying "come in" I stand in front of the door and asked him

" Can I stay with you tonight?"


"I feel like that there is someone in my room"

"Did you find anyone?"


"Come inside first"

*I went inside and sit on his bed beside him*

"Why didn't yoi go to Chim?"

"I did he is not at his room"


"Why are you asking so many question? It's not like that I want to stay with you."

"Then why are you here?"

"Cause I don't know where is chim" I shouted a little with a pout.

"Ok ok you can stay here."

I layed on the bed facing the other side of him. I never imagine that I have to beg to him like this.

Joong pov

He is too cute with this pout . Diao. I just said he is cute. Ai hiaa Joong ,What the fuck is helling with you. Don't forget that he is your enemy.


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