the way out

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Perth : Can you tell us what's this place?

Joong : I don't know maybe a basement or a secret room.

Dunk : Why do you wanna to know?

Perth : Is there any way to get out?

Dunk : How we suppose to know? We are there where you are.

Perth : But you come before us.

Joong : He was bussy to fight with me so I didn't get the time to find.

Dunk : What do you mean by that Joong? I didn't start the fight ok and Who was fighting with you. You were the one who started.

Joong : Oh really?

Chimon : Its not the time to fight. Just try to find a way. I think there is a hidden gate.

*After hearing Chimon Perth start to find the gate. He don't know why he is doing that but he just trust Chimon.*

Joong : Did you come here before?

Chimon : If I then we might not stay here for 5 hours already.

Joong : Then how do you know that this room has a hidden gate?

Dunk : He just take a guess and it's common to have a secret gate in this type of room .

Joong : As you know everything.

Dunk: Yo... *Cut by Perth*

Perth : P'Chimon is right.

Others : Huh??

Perth : Maybe I found it.

Joong : Thats my dearest nong.

Dunk : Oh now the dearest nong. One sec before you didn't even believe that this room has a gate.

Perth : Ah. Be quite and come here.

*They go where Perth is standing. Yes there is a gate but that's too old even lock by a lot of chains.*

Chimon : What should we do? It's locked.

Dunk : We can see that Chim.

Perth : We should call everyone.

Joong : How? We will lose this place.

Perth : We will not. I and P'Chimon come in staright to this room so I know the way to go back.

Dunk : Lets go then.

Chimon : You are not coming. What if we lose again?

Joong : You have a point then we will stay here.

Chimon : Lets go Perth. Chimon hug Dunk before left the room.



Mix : Why the hell are you here? God what do you want from us?

Earth : Why are you calling god now? Don't blame him too much or we will stay here whole life.

Mix : How can you be so cool right now. We are in a house which is hunted by ghost.

Earth : You just can say hunted house thats easeir.

Mix : EARTH.

Earth : What? I just don't want you to feel sad or worried.

Mix : I am not in the mood of joke . I don't want spend my whole life here. I want to get married to you. Have kids. And many more.

Earth : We can get married here.

Mix : Earth. *About to cry*

Earth : Awww my baby.. *hug him* Don't worry we will get out soon.

Mix : Should we go back .

Earth : Yes we should .Gem and fot is alone there.



Force : Hey Book I think we should go back maybe they are waiting for us there

Book : No Dunk is too stubborn. If he think to do something he will.

Force : Joong is not different. He will took Dunk with him. Also he is more stronger than Dunk so I think they are there.

Book : I don't know what to do. How can I let him go alone.

Force : Why are you blaming yourself ?

Book : I am older than him I should stop him. He is still a kid.

Force : Don't blame yourself you just say na that Dunk is stubborn. Then ?

Book : But he always listen to me.

Force : No more talking lets go back .

Book : We have to find them.

Force : If we still go somewhere else I will forget the way to go back. Please Book.

Book : No I am not going.

Force : Look I never say please to anyone you are the first so you have to come. * Drag his hand *

Book : Then why I am the first one who you say please. * walking beside him*

Force : I don't know just want you to go with me.

Book : Start to like me huh?

Force : I already said I don't know so stop asking.

Book : Okh kh.



Jimmy : Hey Sea do you think we can get out from here?

Sea : What a stupid question Jimmy? Why can't we?

Jimmy : No just imagine that we have to stay here more . Ss like for a day or 2 or a week.

Sea : Be quite Jimmy. It's not going to happened. Why ? Do you want to stay here ?

Jimmy : If you are here then I can stay na.

Sea : Huh? Are you flirting with me ?

Jimmy : What if I do?

Sea : I don't care just not now do whatever you want to after we got out.

Jimmy : So you are saying I can hit on you?

Sea : That's your choice. Fall for you or not that's my choice.

Jimmy : You can't love someone as your choice.

Sea : I can if i want to love someone then I can love them but if I want to hate someone maybe that's not in my hand.

Jimmy : But I think love someone is also not in our hand.

Sea : We are not rescarcing about love. We come here to find a way.

Jimmy : Yeah but we can't find right?

Sea : So what? Keep trying.

Jimmy : It's been almost a hour that we are tring look we almost come back to our starting place.

Sea : Oh yes.

Jimmy : Hey where is gem?

Sea : They are not here we have to go a little bit more.

Jimmy : Is there no place to way out.

Sea : There is but for now we have to be patience.

Jimmy : You are talking like 60s.

Sea : So you are calling me old?

Jimmy : No I am not.

                                         TO BE CONTINUE

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