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As he can't sleep nor able to take forty winks so he dragged his tired body towards the elevator in his massive room. He pressed the button down to where his wife's located.

As he entered the room only the sound of machine can be heard. His wife still on the bed sleeping like a baby. He sat next to his wife on the edge of the bed and caressed her hand then intertwined it together.

"Hi, baby. I'm back. I miss you to death. Don't you miss me to?"

Yenzo started the conversation with his unresponded wife. No, it's more like he was whispering to his wife while caressing the cheek which turn to look slimmer than before.

"When you want to wake up? I want to hug you properly and feel your warmth even I'm ready for your rage as I ignore your warning by getting back here" he added.

"Baby, they missed you a lot. Don't you pity them especially Saint? He would be here waiting for you and accompany you without failed tonight in case I'm still nowhere to be found. They can't wait any longer babe. They need us or we might lost them forever" he stopped and inhaled for a while then stood up.

He lifted up his wife body make it laid a bit right to the corner of the bed before scooting and cocooning himself snuggling to his wife's body.

"The hell I miss you and need you Maria Ann Diana. Please wake up" finally tears rained down his face unable to hold his emotion anymore as a proof how useless his condition at the moment without his wife.

A few moment later, the sound of beeping machine and a light snores can be heard in the middle of night. It was the first night Yenzo can put down his head, easily get into the sleep. The scent of his wife body and warmth really helped him after past these months.

POV: Bangkok, Thailand

"Report it" the old man instructed his man.

"He's here and reunited with the family at the expected place" the man called Brian reported to his leader.

"How?" the old man asked.

"He's entering Thailand using a private jet. That's why we unable to track him at the first place plus this time he put a tight security. He even shut down everything in Japan" Brain added.

"How about the entertainment industry? Do they aware of the incident or they're clueless?" the old man asked again.

"Seems like everything was successfully handle by him or his allies as the industry never demanding news about them. As the brothers, they're still living the day by filling their schedule and appointment as the celebrities" short but useful information given by Brian to his leader.

"How about his background? Are we able to get the access about him?"

"That's matter is still in the progress, sir and I promise to report it to you as soon as I get the evidences"

The old man nodded as a sign he satisfied with his right man information and explanation.

"Last but not least....I want to know about her" slowly the old man asked.

"We're unable to locate where she is as we never saw her entering nor exiting their hidden place but I believe she is inside that place or somewhere......" before he could finished his sentence there was a man rushed in to the room with his rage snatched Brian's collar holding his fist ready to punch him.

"Stop!!!" the old man commanded in a high pitch.

The man loose his fist and released Brian's collar in a reluctant way.

"Why are you here?" the old man asked the man who rushed in while he was in the middle of conversation with his right man.

"You asked me why am I here?" the man responded as he smirked to the old man.

"Are you surprise that I am here?" the man added.

"You might think that I'm clueless and considered as a stupid person for not knowing what happened past these months" he proudly explained himself.

"Dad, for how long? For how long you want to chain me and restrain me from the reality which happened in front of my eyes.?" the man asked in a stern voice.

"I swear not to be in a low key mode anymore. I'll do what I think is right to do and decide the next actions to be taken. I don't care if you not disowned me as your son anymore. I'll do my ways " he added while gazing through his father's eyes.

"You know nothing about this matter and keep yourself away. Don't act recklessly" the old man quarreling with his son.

"Why? Does it because of the previous incident that I led her closely to the death?" the raging man asked his father.

The old man keep silent not bothered to answer his son questions.

As he saw no respond came from his father the man continued.

"I might be dumbed at that moment not knowing how precious she was but don't act like I'm the only one weighted by the faults. You took the same as mine. No! You should weighted more guilty than mine"

"You owed her L.I.F.E dad!" the man released his outburst.

The old man being shocked by listening to his son outburst.

"What you know about that? Tell me!" the old man snatched his son's collar.

"I know everything dad. About the agreement, about the deals, about the promises even every single persons involved" his son arrogantly told his father made him slumped his body on the swivel chair.

"Even right now your right man failed to tell you where she is and how is she doing while I've got all the information about her thanks to myself for being smart and sage.

"What do you mean? You know where she is?" jolted with his son news his stood up from the chair immediately.

The man nodded and smile then turn his gazed to Brian provoking him for his failure to gather the information.

"Tell me" the old man requested his son.


"Tell me, Alexander!!" the old man requested his son in a high pitch for the second time

"I would N.E.V.E.R tell you dad!" his son against his father request.

"Why?" the old man asked as his chest ups and downs controlling his anger towards his son.

"Because I don't want you to abandoned her for the second time!" his son replied with a firm voice.

"It's not yours to assess my action, Alexander," his father snapped.

"It's mine because she is my little sister which you hide it long time ago!" his son outburst was at the peak.

"You!" The old man shocked as he never taught his son would know about the secret he kept long time ago.

Now he went speechless and did not know what to say to his son.

As to avoid the conversation getting worse, Alex took an action by rushing out, leaving the room. He never thought that he finally spilt out the secret his father held for many years. He uncertain whether his action or words will affect their father - son relationship or not, but he wanted his father to know that he know everything.

To be continue....

#English is not my first language

#Bare with my grammatical errors and sentence constructs

#Feel free to comment / suggest / sharing ideas.

#Happy reading

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