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When they're frantically worried about their sister condition Saint calmly walked to the side of a  cabinet beside the patient bed and pulled out the first layer of the drawer took out a needle and a small bottle. They just watched Saint action as they don't have any idea what he wanted to do. As the needle shrink the liquid in that small bottle to the end, Saint injected it into the drip bottle hang on it's hanger. 

A moment later, their sister calm down from the hysterical loud screaming, breathing normally and back to sleep soundly. Saint checked on her sister for the last time make sure everything back to normal and signed all his brothers to go down floor  and having their dinner. All of them just followed what Saint asked them to do.

"What was happened just now, it is what you want us to watch?" John asked Saint while slowly munching his salad.

Saint nodded looked at John and the rest. It ain't easy for him and he believed the same thing  felt by his brothers. 

"She screamed loudly and called for Alex many times" Felix added with a sad voice.

"And the other person too...."Sam continued.

All of them was silent for a moment minding their own thought.

"For how long Saint" another question asked by Sam while he cleaned the dining table.

"Since I brought her here and the condition was pretty worst at the first place until the doctor prescribed that small bottle I used just now " Saint explained.

"She suffered from the nightmare because of that incident, am I right? Felix asked for the clarification.

Saint nodded again. 

The  four of them sat on the sofa after completed the dinner looked so gloomy with what had happened. All of them seem liked at the end wit until John leaked some information which make them dropped down their jaws. 

"Guys, I've got something that I want to share with all of you" John took his deep breath.

The three of them looked at John simultaneously.

"I found him" John stated in a calm voice.

"You mean "him"?" Sam asked by stressing on the word "him" in a deep voice of his.

John nodded and continued with the explanation.

"I asked my friend who is quite close to him. Considered him like his brother" 

"Are you serious? His management announced that he's no longer in this industry and stepped down and........." Saint scattered voice demanding for the further explanation. 

"It is because of that incident. According to my friend he severely injured and still recovering himself now. He doesn't want to be in a spot lenses of the paparazzi and reporters. That was why he decided to step down and vanished from this industry. " John willingly told them the information he gathered.

"He should told us his plan and he shouldn't left us behind blinded like this with no ideas. His action showed he no longer need us, he no longer need Anne, he no longer our family" Felix trembling voice can be heard as he hold his tears from falling apart.

They understood how broken Felix was with this person action since both of them were really close and that person always claimed Felix was his brother by soul and his favorite. 

After a while silent the observer Sam came with the plan for the next action.

"John, do you able to get his number? Sam asked.

"Yes. I've got it. It's a private number directly to him" John replied.

"Call him. Tell him about Anne condition. If he really threw us behind and considered us family no more he would don't give a damn with our situation but if the respond against what we think he need to explain himself to us and his action past these months" Sam commanded with his stern voice. 

He need to do something about his family. If not they're going to falling apart with a lot of unsettled puzzles. 

As he heard Sam command, John took out his mobile phone and connected it to tablet in the dining room so that everyone's there can listen to the conversation later.

"Beep..beep..beep" the line disconnected.

The phone connected for two times now but yet no one came to answer it.  

"I'll try for the last time and if it comes out the same like just now I think I should asked my friend again" John said and calmed down his nervousness. 

The three of them agreed with the idea and patiently waited the call to be answer by the person they're hoping for. 

"Please God, help us this time. I want to save the only family I had" Saint muttered while holding Felix hand. Their hands intertwined to support each others hoping for the miracle.

"Hello......." the call finally connected and welcomed by the cracked voice of the owner. 

The three of them stunned by listening to the cracked voice of the other person.

"Dude...." John short responded.

Silent came between them for a moment.

"'s it doing, bro?" person at the other line broke the silent between them.

"Dude....Anne....." John didn't bother to answer the question but cut the chase. 

Clearly John's voice a bit husky and trembling as he hold all the mix feeling inside him not to pour it yet.    

"I know" that person stern voiced can be heard.

The four of them jolted by the respond and looking at each other with the dropped jaws.

"How?" Felix interrupted.

" are you doing" without minding to answer Felix question that person asked the other question.

"I'm planning to kill you, soon" Felix answered and  hold his fist.

Saint who was sitting next to him saw the change in Felix face and quickly rubbed his back. Signal him to cool down and control his emotion. 

They can heard the other person chuckled by Felix respond and sighed deeply.

"I know everyone mad at me but I have my own reasons. Soon we meet all of you can punched me liked a punch bag hang in the gym but let me recover first" the other person added.

"About Anne, I'm always keep my eyes on her it just I can't reach her at that moment. Otherwise she would act beyond expectation and being out of control" he added more.

"And I'm happy finally you guys able to catch her now" the sad voice can be heard from the other person.

"I'll return soon. I need a little bit more time then I'll come to my family. Please take care of her. I'm begging" 

There's nothing came out from their lips as soon as they heard those begging from that person. They're happy that they're able to reach him but also they felt sad and worried at the same time.

"Please do not contact me. That's the only favor I need from all of you"

"Saint, be strong. She knows you can"

As they back to sense the call already disconnected a moment ago..

To be continue.......

#English is not my language but I'll try my best.

#Freely to comment, giving ideas / suggestion I'll open to those.

#happy reading :)

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