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As they gathered at the living room late at night minding their own business suddenly the intercom was beeping requested any one of them to answer it. John who at that moment stood close to the intercom press the answer button.

"Sir, someone asked for a visit" simple the gate's guard informed

The three of them looked at John  curiously. 

"Who?" John asked 

"It's me. I'm back" a sudden answer by the visitor but enough to make them relief and happy to hear that.

"Let him in" John instructed the guard as his smile form on his face.

The four of them patiently waiting for the visitor to come in. Within 10 minutes the door opened showed a slender fit tall body walked entering the room with another person at the back who has a same body pattern but a little bit bulk than the first person. 

The man stopped his pace in the middle of the room while his eyes straightly looked at the four men in front  of him. He tighten his fist and holding back his tears. 

"I can't show weak in front of them" he reminded himself and correcting his body posture.

"Hi. I'm sorry for being...." as he wanted to finish his sentence Felix ran to him and slammed his body on him made them fell down on the floor. 

He can felt the tight hug from the lad and responded it by hugging him back. Soon after he can felt his body has been squeezed by the four of them until he let out the hurt sound.

The four of them quickly released the hug and the other person who came with him quickly reached and helped him to stand back.

"Are you okay? It's hurt there? Do you need the med?" that man asked him with worried.

"No. I'm fine. I already had my med" he responded by looking at the four of them with a smile painted on his face. 

"What happened?" John asked the other man.

"The effect of the incident. He's not fully recover yet he so stubborn impatiently want to be here with his brothers and family" the other man explained make them aware of the current condition of their brother.

"Why don't you told us earlier ?" Sam asked while signing both of them to sit on the couch.

"I'm running out of time. There are a lot of things to do. I don't want to waste more time by doing nothing. Been on the bed helpless past these months, unable to be with my family was enough " he replied with a regret.

"And I'm rushing here as I knew something would be happen or it happened already" Kenzo straightly looked at Sam.

"Sam almost fainted today as he got the panic attacked" Saint who was silent from the start suddenly voiced up.

Kenzo turn his sight to Saint demanding for further the explanation.

"It was because of the video I watched" slowly Sam explained himself and dragged Kenzo's sight back to him. 

"Does it a video of that night?" Kenzo asked in a scattered voice.

Sam without hesitated nodded.

Kenzo sighed calming himself.

"They took the move now, Kenzo. They're not keeping it slow anymore. " Adachi his cousin plus the manager of him finally spoken.

"I know. Seem like they don't want to be in the shadow anymore" Kenzo replied.

"I think his master got the audacious takeover now" Adachi added.


"They? Who are they?" John asked while looking at the two of them. 

Saint, Sam and Felix nodded as they agreed with John's question.

Kenzo and Adachi know now they can't hiding it anymore. The past life of them. The past life of his wife, Maria Anne Diana. Kenzo closed his eyes thinking about something.

"They're targeting Sam today since they know he would suffered a panic attacked after watching that video" Adachi spoke after a while silent.

"If my analysis is accurate  then there would be another attack soon which we never know who would be the next target" he added.

"Sound liked they already done with the study and have my brothers profile too" Kenzo muttered after a while.

"Kenzo, Adachi, could both of you please explain to us what it is all about?" Saint demanding the explanation as what he heard was something serious and danger would be happen to his family.

Both of them, Kenzo and Adachi looked at each other and let out a deep sight. This is not what they want when they decided to be a family at first but the encounter between him and Maria Anne Diana and what was happened to them in the past lead to this situation now.  

"I wouldn't say anything. It yours right to tell them everything" Adachi said and caressed his cousin shoulder while standing giving his place to the four of them to be close with Kenzo. 

"Where, when, how am I going to begin? This is not what I dreams off " Kenzo said in frustrated.

"Dude, you're not alone. You have us. We're family. What ever happened to our family we're going to overcome it together" John words soothed his broken heart.

"It 's my job and responsibilities to protect Diana, to protect all of you, to protect Alex yet I failed to do so" Kenzo continued blurting out his heart. 

"No! That's not true " Felix suddenly interrupted with a stern voice.

"You're loyal to your family. You're the greatest. You did well. Those not yours to blame. It's fate!" Felix the second youngest sound a bit angered with his brother in law words.

The rest of them agreed with Felix. They never saw any flaws of him since the day they known him. For them he is the best. 

"But...." he tried to continue.

"There's no but. You took us to be part of your family. Ann took care of us more than a sister should be. Both of you like our parent" Saint added with a teary eyes.

"Please dude. Tell us everything from the beginning. We want to know. We have the right to know. We want to be part of this problem and together to overcome it" said John calming the tense situation with his words. 

Finally Kenzo surrender, nodded his head as he agreed with John's words and again they're embracing each other.

Adachi who was standing there observing the situation wiped the tears at the corner of his eyes before it down on his cheeks.  He felt happy and relief for Kenzo at the same time. 

Out of blue, his body dragged down to join them in a big hug. 

He's not alone. He also a part of this family. 

To be continue...........

#English is not my first language. 

#Bare with my grammatical error and sentence construct

#Feel free to comment/ suggest/ give ideas

#Happy reading ;)

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