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Maria Ann Diana.

She was their sister since 3 years ago and to be honest there're a lot of incidents happened involving her. Magically to say none of them ended without death, blood and the dark world. He never asked why does it happened or put his nose on his sister's affair. Nothing much did Saint know about her past but as John and Sam said her life was always at the edge of death and there're always certain party vowed for her death as well so it was unpleasant to share her past yet the important thing between them was caring and protecting each other . The eldest also reminded them to keep on living and cheering on the present rather than dug into the past. 

After half an hour rested on the couch, Saint stood up and stretching his tired body. He walked to the tinted glasses window which he can devoured the lights of the city embraced the darken day clearly from that room. After standing for a while enjoying the changing color of the day Saint took a deep breath. He walked to the mini bar at the edge of the room and heading to the refrigerator took out a bottle of drinking water. As the bottle cap's open, he's gulping it in one go to quench his thirst. Again he look into his watch showed it's quarter after 5 pm. His brothers should be arrive now and meet him in this room. 

He threw the drinking bottle into the basket prepared for the wasted and feebly walked to his sister. He stood next to her bed and staring at the needle where the drip was on then he realized there were scars on her pulse line. He caressed those scars on his sister's pulse line noticed it was new.  

"Was she attempted suicides?" Saint asked himself. 

Saint's face turned white and pale because of that thinking. He's getting worried about his sister. He hoped those negative thinking were not true but yet the other side of himself believed it happened. 

"If it's true, but why?" Saint asked himself again. 

During the period living with his sister, never in his life met with a woman liked her. Her unique character and spiritual never tainted with the incidents or accidents surrounding her. There would be no reaction and emotion came from her. She can be portrayed as emotionless as robot. No sympathy. No empathy. No apathy towards people. How come she reached out to torturing herself by attempting the suicides?. What was actually happened when she was out of our reached? Was it someone took her and abused her or she personally torturing herself?. What was the reasons?

As Saint deep in his thoughts suddenly he heard creaking sound of an open door. He raised his head and looked straightly staring at the open door watching a tall and a firm fit body man entered and walked towards him. A few second after, the other man who has the same body pattern walked through the door behind the first man. By the height, walk and body posture clearly defined that they're both the gym rat. 

"Saint......." they called his name.

Saint's eyes shone brightly as he heard his name called by those men. Without asking he ran to them and in a minute Saint slammed his body to them and be in their embraces. Saint tears dropped again and wet both of their shirt. 

"Sam...John....You're here" Saint uttered between his sob. 

"Yes, we're here. It's okay Saint, it's okay" John in his sweet soft voice calmed down the sobbing Saint. 

"Stop crying little dragon. Your eyes would be swollen and puffy. It's not good for you" Sam said while caressing his back. 

It's took them 10 minutes to calm down the sobbing Saint then released from the embraces of each others. Saint always a Saint. A pure kind hearted boy with a lot of emotions. That was why he excellent in acting and able to portray different kind of characters. This Saint was their youngest and a bit childish compared to Felix but yet has a strong motivation and determination. Outsider would never know this side of Saint cause he never showed it unless in front of the four of them. They're the persons he loved the most, he cared the most, he treasured the most and the closest in her heart so it was not a surprise when this little dragon sobbing hard like that. 

"Where is Felix? Why he didn't come along with you two?" Saint asked while wiping off his tears. 

"He'll be here soon. I can't took his along with me since his recording finish a bit late. He would ride here once he finished" John answered Saint question tapped his both shoulders.

"Have you eaten?" Sam asked looked at Saint with empathy. Saint shook his head. 

"I don't have an appetite to eat" Saint added most likely he's whispering.

Sam nodded understood then he took out his mobile phone and asked the house maid to prepare them dinner. Yes, they did have the house maids. This spacious room actually the 3rd floor from 5 of this mansion with a tight security located at the deserted area within the Bangkok city belonged to the Maria Ann Diana. They called this place as "Defense Bunker" and they'll meet here if something bad happened to any one of them as a place to sort out the ways and solutions and today here they are. 

The three of them stood next to the patient bed in silent and examined patient's condition. 

John and Sam can't said a word by looking at their sister condition. Unbelievable this iron woman would be laying on the bed depending on the machine to keep her survive. John the eldest among them stroke back his hair with his slander finger. He sighed. Little did Sam and Saints noticed John jaws getting tighter holding his anger and frustration. Little did they noticed John fist getting whiter holding his mixed emotion. 

"Guys...." Saint called both of them.

"She's not only physically damage but her mental too" slowly Saint delivered the info to his two brothers. 

To be continue....

#English is not my first language but I'll try my best 

#bare with my grammatical errors and sentence constructs

#feel free to comment/ to ask/ to suggest ideas I'll take all those

#enjoy reading 

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