"I know. I came to see you" he states and walks in. "Why's my son here?" he asks taking him into his arms.

"Mira dropped him off, I'm baby sitting him for the morning" Liz states. "Now why are you here Matt?" she asks.

"I don't know what to do. What to say, how to act around her, especially with Gray around" Matt stresses.

"You can't let on that you know" Liz tells him.

"She wants me to take her to the dance tonight. What am I supposed to do?" he asks her.

"Take her to the dance" Liz tells him matter of factly.

"I'll never get away with it. She knows me too well, she'll figure it out" Matt tells her.

"Damn it, Matt, just do it. She's my daughter. She's my baby. I just, I need some time" Liz stresses.

"I know, but..." he starts to say.

"Look, if what Caroline told you is true, she's not the only one. The Salvatores are vampires. The Gilbert family is in on it, including Mira. Tyler Lockwood is God knows what" she rants.

"A werewolf" Matt states.

"There's no one in this town I can trust. I just need to take a beat and figure out what to do" she tells him.

"That'll never fool her" Matt tells her.

"Yes, you will. As far as she knows, you don't remember anything. Buy me some time. Please, Matt" she pleads. He sighs in defeat. She takes Gray back, "now go to school" she tells him and he left.

(Mystic Falls High School) Mira's POV

I arrive late to history. "Sorry Ric" I say as I sit beside Elena. He looks at me shocked and looks between me & Elena. "Continue" I tell him and he continues talking about the sixties. Elena grabs my attention and shows me a poster for the dance tonight. I shake my head and start to take notes.

After class I went to collect Caroline and take her home. I feed Gray and put him down for a nap while Care showers. Then start to help her get ready for the dance. Soon her mum appears with a bag. "Oh good you got it" Care says with a smile.

"What?" I ask curious.

"Gift for you" she states. As Liz hands it to me. I look inside and frown. "You're coming to the dance with me and Matt" she tells me.

"Caroline, I can't I don't have a sitter" I tell her.

"Which is why I asked mum and she has kindly agreed to watch Gray tonight while you come to the dance" she states.

"But..." I try to protest.

"No buts, not start getting ready" she tells me.

"Don't worry Mira, I'll take good care of him" Liz assures me. And I sigh in defeat. Care squeals and hugs me. Liz leaves us and I start to get ready. Soon Care and I are ready. We head downstairs to see Matt and Liz waiting with a now awake Gray.

"Mr President" Care says.

"Hey" he says.

"You look good Matt" I tell him. Care tries to kiss him but he looks at Liz and goes back. Caroline laughs. "Don't mind us" I tell them as Care apologizes.

"Have fun" Liz tells us.

"We will" Care tells her.

"Call me if you have any issues" I tell her.

"I will" she assures me. We leave with Matt after I kiss Gray's cheek. Matt drives us to the school. When we enter the gym, we already see the dance in full swing.

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