Part 20: Ayanokoji saves Class B.

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"This time the viewing may be delayed, since now you will see as many as three videos," Tadlatar said.

"Since today we will see as many as three videos, then they must be somehow related to each other?" Sakayanagi asked.

"You're right Sakayanagi. Well, there will be no time to waste and we will start watching," Said Tadlatar.

Wednesday came.

I decided to drink a can of coffee I bought at the store. He was insanely cold.

I won't delay my plans anymore.

Ichinose herself knows that she can no longer hide in her room.

Ichinose suddenly twitched.

"Hiding in your room? Is it really..." Amikura asked.

"Yes, this is the moment when Ichinose refused to leave the room." Tetsuya said

"So Ayanokoji is involved in this, too?" Kanzaki asked.

"Oh, it brings back memories," Sakayanagi said.

She has to start acting.

I'm sure she'll do it.

— February is coming to an end. After passing a special exam next month, we will officially become second-year students.

The school has tried hard, coming up with all these tests.

— I wonder if when we become second-year students, special exams will become even more strange?

"I was looking into the water," Komiya said.

— ...hey... can I ask you a question?

For the first time in a long time, Ichinose spoke. Quietly, as if she was talking to herself.

- of course. If the door doesn't bother you, you can ask.

I gave her permission, but she didn't ask anything.

It was the first time she had spoken in the last few days.

— Why didn't you say anything or ask anything?

— What are you talking about?

— My classmates... my friends from other classes... all tried to convince me to go back to school and talk to them if something bothers me. But you, Ayanokoji-kun, never asked me for anything like this and continued to come to me every day... Why?

"Every day?" Horikita asked.

"Wow, that's really nice of him," Amikura said.

"Is that why he skipped classes?" Akito asked.

"I hope you know that because of your absenteeism, our glasses could have been damaged," Horikita asked.

"And what? Considering that I earned most of our points, I have every right to either keep them or spend them," Ayanokoji said.

She didn't want others to worry about her.

Therefore, Ichinose did not understand why I was skipping classes and breaks to visit her every day.

— Others have already tried to convince you many times. My emotions are so empty and dry that you would hardly appreciate such an approach on my part.

"If he had any emotions, he wouldn't have said those meaningless words anyway," Ryuen said.

"Oh, it seems after the end of this video, I will have to listen to a lot of insults again. So we need to get ready" Nagumo.

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