Chapter 20.3: What Comes After

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Three days after waking up, my wounds healed to the point that I was able to leave my bed. The cut used to sear every time I moved, but it was now only mildly annoying.

Since a scab formed, I had no need for bandages anymore. For the last time, Jaime helped remove the bandages and dress the diagonal gash with medicine.

"We're holding a celebration for the dead later tonight. Are you well enough to come?" Jaime asked.

"Yeah, it's perfect timing." I froze ice against a wall, using it as a temporary mirror. "Remember when you said to let the slash turn into a scar? I think you're right. It does make me look battle-hardened."

Back when I was Decan, I was told that each scar told a story. Too bad the worst injuries I sustained were bruises from rolling on the ground.

Jaime poked at the scab. "Does it still hurt?"

"Not really, but it's itchy. I just have the urge to scratch at it." I climbed into a shirt, leaving the top buttons open so it wouldn't brush against my chest. "Has there been a burial yet?"

"We buried everyone two days after the battle. The bandits were thrown into a giant pit."

"Can we visit the graves? I'm probably the only one who hasn't paid my respects yet."

Each step I took sent little jolts of pain throughout my chest. My pace wasn't exactly slow, but it was steadier than usual.

Jaime led me to the burial ground—the two southern hills overlooking the village. The same ones where Hanzo overheard the bandits talking about raiding this place.

The graves were simple. Smooth stones were stacked atop the graves of the farmers along the side of the hill. Their names were written in ink and baked onto the stone so they wouldn't wash in the rain. Three crosses were fixed atop the hill. It only made sense they belonged to Askeladd, Tony, and Mondatta.

I took a moment of silence, bowing my head at the graves.

"Who chose this place to act as the burying ground?" I asked.

"I did." She shot a look at me. "Why?"

"Just asking. Why here, if you know?"

"I wanted them to have a good view of what they sacrificed their lives for. From here, they could watch every sunrise and sunset. And no matter what, they'll always be watching over the village."

"I think you chose a perfect place."

Jaime wiped a lone tear. "Askeladd promised me that he'd walk us back home because he didn't have anything better to do. Mondatta only agreed to help because she found us interesting. Tony only joined because he felt bad. Now they're all gone."

"Yeah, but look at what they've achieved."

"Their deaths didn't change the world."

"But look." I pointed to the villagers peacefully getting ready for tonight's celebration. "From now until the end of time, these farmers have gained the courage to protect others and themselves. Their deaths didn't change the world, but it changed their world. And that's enough."

"Alright then, Ilias. Let's become famous so we can have thousands of stories written about us in the history books. I want the world to know them through us."

There was a giant argument in the middle of the village when we returned. Apparently, Roxanne found Messina's body missing when she went to check. The farmers were accusing each other, saying how it was wrong to steal from their saviours. The accused began turning at us, saying we stashed the body so we could get a higher cut of the treasure.

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